Bespattering example sentences
Related (6): splattering, staining, soiling, blotting, smearing, dirtying
"Bespattering" Example Sentences
1. The rain was so heavy that it bespattered my clothes.2. The angry chef bespattered his workers with hot soup.
3. The crowd began to bespatter the politicians with tomatoes.
4. The muddy water from the pothole bespattered my face.
5. The car sped through the puddle, bespattering pedestrians on the sidewalk.
6. The painter accidentally bespattered the wall with blue paint.
7. The child was bespattered with dirt after falling in the mud.
8. The sewage system overflowed, bespattering the streets with filth.
9. The aggressive wrestler bespattered his opponent with sweat.
10. The bird flew into the windshield, bespattering the car with feathers.
11. The jogger was bespattered with rainwater after getting caught in the storm.
12. The spaghetti sauce bespattered the kitchen wall when the pot boiled over.
13. The angry driver bespattered the pedestrians with mud as he sped through the puddle.
14. The artist carefully bespattered the canvas with paint to create an abstract image.
15. The construction workers were bespattered with cement as they built the new wall.
16. The bus stopped suddenly, bespattering passengers with their drinks.
17. The playful dog bespattered the room with mud after running around outside.
18. The wheel of the car spun, bespattering gravel onto the sidewalk.
19. The dishwasher accidentally bespattered the kitchen with soapy water.
20. The car chase scene in the movie featured bespattering of cars with bullets and explosions.
21. The paintball game left the players bespattered with bright, colorful paint.
22. The rafters were bespattered with bird droppings from the nearby tree.
23. The jogging path was bespattered with leaves from the trees lining the path.
24. The ferocious shark bespattered the water with droplets as it swam by.
25. The construction site had been bespattered with graffiti by vandals.
26. The gardener was bespattered with mud after digging up the flower beds.
27. The storm bespattered the house with hail, causing damage to the roof.
28. The street performers entertained the crowds while bespattering them with confetti.
29. The horse galloped through the field, bespattering the grass with dust.
30. The airplane took off, bespattering the runway with tire tracks.
Common Phases
1. The rain bespattered the ground;2. The car was bespattered with mud;
3. The chef bespattered the kitchen with flour;
4. The children bespattered each other with paint;
5. The waves bespattered the rocks on shore.