Bestrewed example sentences

Related (9): scatter, strew, sprinkle, dot, sow, litter, shower, spread, cover

"Bestrewed" Example Sentences

1. Her body was bestrewed with rose petals.
2. The bed was bestrewed with flowers for the bride and groom.
3. The table was bestrewed with crumbs from the feast.
4. The festive garland bestrewed the floor.
5. The path was bestrewed with autumn leaves.
6. The floor was bestrewed with confetti from the party.
7. The ground was bestrewed with fallen fruit from the orchards.
8. His grave was bestrewed with flowers and wreaths.
9. The floor was bestrewed with all kinds of medical equipment and paperwork.
10. The area was bestrewed with rubble from the explosion.
11. The garden walkway was bestrewed with purple petals.
12. The stage was bestrewed with gold and silver streamers.
13. The pathway to the entrance was bestrewed with water lilies plucked from the pond.
14. The grass was bestrewed with the trinkets of childhood play.
15. The road was bestrewed with broken glass from the car accident.
16. They bestrewed the gala dinner table with candles and fine china.
17. The beach was bestrewed with colorful seashells from the high tide.
18. The forest floor was bestrewed with golden leaves from autumn.
19. The shore was bestrewed with seaweed and driftwood from the recent storm.
20. The snow was bestrewed with colorful pine cones from the trees above.
21. The clearing was bestrewed with fragrant flowers picked by the children.
22. The dance floor was bestrewed with rose petals for the wedding party.
23. The front yard was bestrewed with Easter eggs for the children's hunt.
24. The theater floor was bestrewed with programs from the performance.
25. The cave floor was bestrewed with bat guano and bones.
26. They bestrewed the coffin with orchids and lilies for the funeral.
27. The stairs were bestrewed with toys and books from the children's rooms.
28. The roof was bestrewed with fallen leaves awaiting the autumn winds.
29. The altar was bestrewed with palm fronds for Palm Sunday service.
30. The ground was bestrewed with feathers from the birds that nested there.
31. The room was bestrewed with torn wrapping paper from Christmas gifts.
32. The field was bestrewed with blossoms from the fruit trees in springtime.
33. The ruins were bestrewed with weeds and vines taking over.
34. The desk was bestrewed with papers, pens, and photos.
35. The walkway was bestrewed with autumn's colored bounty of leaves.
36. The grassy area was bestrewed with picnic blankets and umbrellas.
37. They bestrewed the bridal path with rose petals for the wedding march.
38. The hallway was bestrewed with backpacks, coats, and shoes from the children.
39. The floor was bestrewed with popcorn and candy from the movie.
40. The lobby was bestrewed with souvenir brochures from the holiday.
41. The front porch was bestrewed with fall leaves requiring the rake.
42. The podium was bestrewed with sheet music for the choir performance.
43. The bedroom was bestrewed with toys and clothes in need of tidying.
44. The living room rug was bestrewed with tub toys from bath time.
45. The entryway was bestrewed with muddy hiking boots and damp towels.
46. The graveyard was bestrewed with dried up floral arrangements.
47. The attic was bestrewed with forgotten treasures from past generations.
48.The balcony was bestrewed with bird feathers from the nest above.
49. The kitchen counter was bestrewed with dirty dishes still awaiting wash up.
50. The courthouse steps were bestrewed with protesters demanding justice.
51. The towpath was bestrewed with fallen blossoms from springtime trees.
52. The loading dock was bestrewed with packing boxes filled with goods.
53.The dance hall was bestrewed with confetti and streamers from the party.
54.The temple floor was bestrewed with incense and candles already lit.
55. The gallery walls were bestrewed with artwork waiting to be hung.
56. The battlefield was bestrewed with the dead awaiting burial.
57. The service was bestrewed with psalms and sacred hymns sung in chorus.
58. The showroom floor was bestrewed with samples of the latest models.
59. The statue was bestrewed with bird droppings needing to be scrubbed off.
60. The deck was bestrewed with fallen fruit needing to be swept away.

Common Phases

1. The ground was bestrewed with flowers.
2. The floor was bestrewed with confetti.
3. The area was bestrewed with debris.
4. The table was bestrewed with food.
5. The ground was bestrewed with leaves.
6. The floor was bestrewed with trash.
7. The floor was bestrewed with toys.
8. The path was bestrewed with petals.
9. The altar was bestrewed with palm fronds.
10. The stage was bestrewed with streamers.

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