Bicameralism example sentences

Related (2): legislature, Senate

"Bicameralism" Example Sentences

1. The principle of bicameralism requires that bills be passed through both houses of Congress.
2. Many countries have adopted a bicameral system of government.
3. The separation of powers between the House and Senate is a hallmark of bicameralism.
4. The bicameral legislature in Australia consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
5. Bicameralism ensures that each branch of government has equal representation.
6. The framers of the United States Constitution established a bicameral legislature to prevent one branch from gaining too much power.
7. The House and Senate both serve as checks on one another in a bicameral system.
8. The principles of bicameralism were inspired by the British Parliament.
9. Bicameralism has been embraced by many nations as a way to promote political stability.
10. The bicameral nature of the Indian Parliament allows for the representation of diverse interests.
11. Bicameralism requires that both houses of the legislature must approve a bill before it can become law.
12. Bicameralism can make the legislative process more cumbersome, but it also ensures that multiple perspectives are heard.
13. The Senate's power to confirm presidential nominees is an example of bicameralism at work.
14. The principle of bicameralism is to ensure that legislation is carefully considered and debated.
15. The bicameral system in Canada consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.
16. The advantages of bicameralism include greater stability, greater representation, and greater accountability.
17. The relationship between state and federal governments in the United States is an example of bicameralism.
18. In a system of bicameralism, there are often different procedures for passing bills in each house.
19. The principle of bicameralism is rooted in the idea that it is better to have multiple chambers with different powers rather than one all-powerful legislature.
20. Many European countries adopted bicameralism after the French Revolution in 1789.
21. Bicameralism is often seen as a way of balancing the interests of different regions or groups within a country.
22. The United Kingdom's Parliament is not technically bicameral, as the House of Lords does not have the power to veto legislation.
23. The purpose of bicameralism is to prevent any one concentration of power from becoming too dominant.
24. The bicameral system in the United States was modeled after the British Parliament, but with important differences.
25. One disadvantage of bicameralism is that it can lead to gridlock if the two houses cannot agree on legislation.
26. The bicameral nature of the Australian Parliament reflects the country's federal structure.
27. Bicameralism is often used as a means of ensuring that minority viewpoints are represented.
28. The principle of bicameralism is based on the idea of a system of checks and balances.
29. Some countries, such as France, have experimented with unicameralism before returning to bicameralism.
30. The Indian Parliament's bicameral structure is modeled after the British Parliament, but with its own unique features.

Common Phases

1. Bicameralism is a system of government with two chambers; a lower and an upper house.
2. The concept of bicameralism originated in ancient Greece; the Athenian government had a council of elders and an assembly of citizens.
3. The United States Congress is an example of bicameralism; it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
4. Bicameralism was established in many countries to balance the power of different groups; such as the wealthy and the common people.
5. Some argue that bicameralism can hinder the legislative process; as bills must pass through both houses before becoming law.

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