Bilk example sentences

Related (6): swindle, cheat, defraud, deceive, trick, dupe

"Bilk" Example Sentences

1. The con artist bilked the elderly couple out of their life savings.
2. The corrupt businessman bilks his customers by overcharging and providing subpar products.
3. The taxi driver tried to bilk me by taking a longer route.
4. The store clerk was caught trying to bilk customers by shortchanging them on change.
5. The mechanic tried to bilk me by claiming I needed expensive repairs that weren't actually necessary.
6. The wisest course of action is to foil attempts by swindlers who are trying to bilk you out of your hard-earned money.
7. The employees bilked the company by falsifying expense reports.
8. They bilked their investors by fabricating revenue numbers and hiding losses.
9. I almost fell for his scheme to bilk me out of thousands of dollars.
10. His strategy to bilk as many customers as possible by overcharging for basic services was shameless.
11. Beware of shady companies that try to bilk you into paying for services you don't need.
12. I suspected the home repair contractor was trying to bilk me by inflating his estimates.
13. The operator tried to bilk me out of an extra $50 by claiming I had caused excessive damage.
14. The telemarketer tried to bilk me into buying products I had not agreed to purchase.
15. The door-to-door salesman attempted to bilk me into purchasing an overpriced warranty.
16. She tried to bilk him out of the money by claiming the car was in good condition when it had major issues.
17. The phishing email was clearly trying to bilk me out of my personal information to commit identity theft.
18. Don't fall for obvious attempts to bilk you out of money through high-pressure sales tactics.
19. Avoid schemes that try to bilk you into forking over cash for nothing in return.
20. Scammers will try all sorts of tricks to bilk you of your hard-earned cash, so remain skeptical of any solicitation you weren't expecting.
21. I almost fell for the investment scheme designed to bilk clients of large sums of money.
22. He tried to bilk me into paying double what the service was actually worth.
23. The ripped-off customer felt bilking him was unjust.
24. The disgruntled investor felt they had been bilked out of money when they saw the company's declining revenue.
25. The crowd started to get enraged when they realized they were being bilked.
26. They threatened to sue, claiming they had been bilked out of thousands of dollars because of misleading advertisements.
27. Many seniors get bilked by lowlife thieves who take advantage of their trust and lack of tech savvy.
28. The business owner was accused of bilking customers through questionable accounting practices.
29. The insurance agent was fired after customers accused him of bilking them out of money through unnecessary policies.
30. They bilked unsuspecting customers over the phone by selling them subscriptions to services they didn't want.
31. Charities must be careful to avoid bilking donors by misusing funds.
32. The con man bilked hundreds of victims before finally being arrested.
33. The disgruntled employees claimed they had been bilked out of proper payment for their work.
34. Fortunes are bilking desperate clients who seek help in times of need.
35. I almost fell for the online scheme designed to bilk innocent victims.
36. They are accused of bilking customers by falsifying financial data.
37. The officials were charged with bilking taxpayers out of government funds through fraud and waste.
38. The scammer attempted to bilk the elderly woman by claiming she had won a fake lottery.
39. The small business owner felt he had been bilked by the late fees and hidden charges in his mobile bill.
40. Don't let yourself get bilked by paying more than the item is worth.
41. Senior citizens are particularly vulnerable to schemes designed to bilk them of their retirement funds.
42. He tried to bilk me out of money by claiming his car repairs cost more than he actually spent.
43. Investors felt they had been bilked by promises of high returns that never materialized.
44. The unethical landlord tried to bilk his tenants by charging exorbitant fees.
45. The workers blamed mistreatment and poor wages on being bilked by their employers.
46. I was almost bilked out of money by the fraudulent online coupon scheme.
47. The marketing company was accused of bilking clients by collecting fees for services they never provided.
48. Do not let yourself get bilked by taking a deal that seems too good to be true.
49. They admitted guilt in bilking disability funds allocated for those in need.
50. Some charities end up bilking donors by misallocating funds.
51. She nearly fell for his scheme to bilk her out of thousands.
52. The customers accused the pharmacy of bilking them through unnecessary testing.
53. The homeowners accused the contractor of bilking them with substandard work.
54. He tried to bilk me into paying for repairs that weren't actually needed.
55. The insurance company was accused of bilking customers with hidden fees.
56. Workers accused their employer of bilking them through deceptive timekeeping policies.
57. Avoid allowing yourself to get bilked out of hard-earned money by shady sales tactics.
58. Auditors accused the company of bilking clients by misreporting financial information.
59. The philanthropist felt he had been bilked by the charity's lack of transparency.
60. View any scheme designed to bilk you with skepticism and caution.

Common Phases

bilk someone out of something: attempt to defraud or cheat someone out of money or possessions.
Example: The con artist tried to bilk the elderly woman out of her life savings.
try to bilk (someone): to try to cheat or defraud someone.
Example: The mechanic tried to bilk me by claiming I needed expensive repairs.
get bilked: to be defrauded or cheated out of money.
Example: Many investors got bilked by the fraudulent investment scheme.
scheme to bilk (someone): a plan or attempt to cheat or defraud someone.
Example: Avoid obvious schemes meant to bilk you of your money.
bilking (someone) of money/possessions: cheating or defrauding someone of money or possessions.
Example: The employees were accused of bilking the company of thousands of dollars.
attempt to bilk: to try to swindle or cheat.
Example: The charity faced scrutiny for attempts to bilk donors.
So in short, the phrase commonly refers to defrauding someone or being defrauded, typically with a focus on money or possessions.

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