Bitty example sentences

Related (5): tiny, small, petite, little, miniature


adjective informal

bitty (adjective) · bittier (comparative adjective) · bittiest (superlative adjective)

  - tiny:

"Bitty" Example Sentences

1. Her bitty hands shook with nerves.
2. The bitty crumbs littered the table.
3. The toddler took her first bitty steps.
4. She tried to overcome her bitty fear of spiders.
5. The bitty pieces of confetti covered the floor.
6. The bitty foal took his first wobbly steps.
7. He collected the bitty pieces of his broken vase.
8. The bitty screw fell onto the floor and rolled away.
9. The bitty ants were marching along the countertop.
10. The bitty snail inched its way across the sidewalk.
11. The bitty grass seeds floated in the breeze.
12. He had to carefully remove the bitty splinters of wood.
13. She made a bitty snowman out of frozen drops of water.
14. The bitty unripe berries weren't ready to pick yet.
15. The bitty knot in her shoelace kept coming undone.
16. The bitty puppy kept tumbling over her own feet.
17. The bitty pieces of Lego were hard to sweep up.
18. The bitty beads spilled out of the broken jar.
19. The bitty insect scurried away under the log.
20. The bitty kittens were tumbling around in a pile.
21. The bitty pebble lodged in his shoe caused pain with every step.
22. The bitty stalagmite slowly grew from the cave floor.
23. She struggled to thread her bitty needle.
24. The bitty granules of sugar stuck to her wet fingers.
25. The grasshopper's bitty legs twitched in death.
26. The bitty crack in the windshield spread with time.
27. The bitty shells crunched under her feet.
28. The bitty flecks of dust danced in the sunlight.
29. The bitty rhyolite crystals glittered in the rock face.
30. She filled her pockets with bitty treasures from the beach.
31. Her bitty handprints decorated the windows.
32. The bitty mosquitoes bit at any patch of exposed skin.
33. Her bitty drawings covered the fridge door.
34. He had to hold his broken glasses together with bitty bits of tape.
35. The bitty bone was too small to see without a microscope.
36. The bitty water droplets condensed on the cold glass.
37. His bitty cough worsened over the course of the day.
38. The bitty cracks spread rapidly across the dried mud.
39. The bitty sprouts grew out of the ground after the spring rains.
40. The bitty birds chirped in the nest above her window.
41. The bitty crab scuttled sideways along the tidepool floor.
42. The bitty dust motes swirled in the slanting sunlight.
43. The bitty buds of the tulip peeked out from the soil.
44. The bitty fairy wings were crooked and crumpled.
45. The bitty island was barely big enough for one palm tree.
46. The bitty seedling struggled to survive the winter cold.
47. She found a bitty snail shell hiding under a leaf.
48. The bitty hatchling struggled to break free of its egg.
49. The bitty diamonds sparkled in the evening light.
50. The bitty specks of glitter clung stubbornly to her skin.
51. The bitty figurines looked too fragile to touch.
52. The bitty sliver of soap disappeared down the drain.
53. The bitty gecko darted across the kitchen floor.
54. The bitty hole in her sock just kept getting bigger.
55. The bitty mouse ate crumbs from the kitchen table.
56. The bitty children crowded around to see the magic trick.
57. The bitty button rolled across the floor and disappeared.
58. The bitty figure skater gracefully spun across the ice.
59. The bitty moth fluttered against the porch light.
60. The bitty trophy hardly took up any room on the shelf.

Common Phases

1. The bits of egg shell were bitty and hard to remove from the cake mix.
2. She arranged the bitty biscuits on the platter in an aesthetically pleasing pattern.
3. The bitty beads spilled all over the floor when I dropped the jar.
4. The baby ate the bitty pieces of bread that I tore for her.
5. The farmer smashed the bitty bugs under his boot.
6. The puzzle pieces were so bitty that it took me forever to finish.
7. The kitten played with the bitty ball of yarn, enjoying batting it across the floor.
8. The bitty blanket she knitted was perfect for a baby.
9. The bitty bits of steak were tough and hard to chew.
10. The piece of chocolate broke into bitty bits all over my shirt.
11. The candy came in bitty bits perfect for a grab bag.
12. Bitty crumbs got all over the floor after the kids ate their snack.
13. I spent ages looking for the bitty crumbs I spilled from my cookie.
14. The storm scattered bitty branches all over the yard.
15. The scissors cut the paper into bitty bits.
16. The bitty clumps of soil clung to my shoes after gardening.
17. Her bitty collection of seashells filled a tiny jar.
18. The bitty cluster of grapes made a delicious snack.
19. The cub scout collected bitty twigs for the campfire.
20. The cookie crumbled into bitty crumbs when I tried to dip it in my milk.
21. The bitty dots of paint dripped on my new jeans.
22. The scrambled eggs came out in bitty pieces rather than fluffy.
23. The bitty flakes of dandruff irritated my neck.
24. The bitty fragments of glass were sharp and dangerous.
25. The kitten batted the bitty fuzz ball around the living room.
26. I picked up the bitty grains of rice that spilled on the counter.
27. The bitty bits of grass clung to my socks after playing outside.
28. My snowman's bitty grin made him look cheerful.
29. The tiny bitty insects crawled on the leaf litter.
30. She strung bitty beads onto the fishing wire to make a necklace.
31. The sprinkles came in bitty granules perfect for decorating cupcakes.
32. The bitty holes in my sock irritated my toe.
33. The baking soda came in bitty granules that got everywhere.
34. The bitty pieces of hay got stuck to my sweater.
35. The bitty lines of the graph were hard to distinguish.
36. I collected bitty leaves and pressed them in my scrapbook.
37. The bitty kitten mewed pitifully as it tried to climb into my lap.
38. The bitty marshmallows looked too cute to eat.
39. The artist worked meticulously to place each bitty mosaic tile.
40. The bitty morsels of bread were perfect for the baby bird.
41. The oak tree scattered bitty acorns all over the lawn.
42. The bitty pebbles dug into my feet as I walked on the beach.
43. My gran's bitty patchwork quilt felt soft and comforting.
44. The plant dropped bitty seed pods when I brushed against it.
45. The kitten batted the bitty pom pom ball around the living room.
46. The scissors cut the paper into bitty ribbons.
47. I spent ages looking for the bitty sprinkle of salt I spilled on the counter.
48. The bitty strands of pasta got stuck in the strainer.
49. Her bitty collection of toy trucks filled a shoebox.
50. I picked up the bitty pieces of straw that spilled out of the hay bale.
51. The fire crackled as it consumed the bitty twigs.
52. The bitty wrappers littered the picnic area after the party.
53. The bitty pieces of yarn were impossible to knit with.
54. He meticulously wound the bitty wire around the tiny gears.
55. The bitty bits of grit irritated my eye.
56. The tool cut the tape into bitty strips.
57. The paintbrush left bitty dots of color on the canvas.
58. The robin ate the bitty worm from the garden.
59. The sprinkles came in bitty sprinkles perfect for decorating cupcakes.
60. The candy bar broke into bitty bits after being in my pocket.

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