Blackenmiddle example sentences

Related (10): black, darken, middle, center, shadow, shade, halfway, midpoint, dim, dusk

"Blackenmiddle" Example Sentences

1. The chef instructed his sous chef to blacken the middle of the steak for a perfect medium-rare dish.
2. The edges of the photo were blurred, but the blacken middle showed a clear picture.
3. The burnt toast had a blacken middle which ruined the breakfast.
4. The thunderstorm had a blacken middle that seemed to be the eye of the storm.
5. The ancient scroll had a blacken middle due to its age and fragile nature.
6. The fireplace had a blacken middle from all the logs that had burned within it.
7. The tire had a blacken middle due to the friction caused by driving over rough roads.
8. The artist added a blacken middle to his painting to create a focal point.
9. The discoloration of the fruit had a blacken middle which indicated it was rotten.
10. The leather jacket had a blacken middle where the fibers had worn over time.
11. The flower had a blacken middle which made it stand out among the other blossoms.
12. The stain on the carpet had a blacken middle from where the spill had pooled.
13. The ring had a blacken middle where the stone had once been set.
14. The circle on the map had a blacken middle marking the location of the capital city.
15. The snake had a blacken middle which was a sign of its venomous nature.
16. The page had a blacken middle from where the ink had bled through to the other side.
17. The book had a blacken middle where the spine had cracked from use.
18. The wooden beam had a blacken middle where it had been charred by fire.
19. The mouse left a trail of blacken middle footprints as it scurried along the floor.
20. The tornado had a blacken middle that formed as it twisted and turned through the sky.
21. The coffee had a blacken middle where the grounds had settled to the bottom of the cup.
22. The board had a blacken middle from where it had been scorched by the sun.
23. The motorcycle had a blacken middle on its tire where it had been spinning out in a burnout.
24. The river had a blacken middle in its current where the current ran deepest.
25. The cloud had a blacken middle where it was densest and most likely to produce rain.
26. The dance floor had a blacken middle where all the couples came to show off their moves.
27. The road had a blacken middle where it was most heavily traveled by cars and trucks.
28. The photograph had a blacken middle where it was overexposed to the light.
29. The pool had a blacken middle where it was deepest and most suitable for diving.
30. The cake had a blacken middle where it was undercooked and inedible.

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