Blainmiddle example sentences

Related (2): blain, middle

"Blainmiddle" Example Sentences

1. I accidentally brushed my arm against a hot pan and now I have a blainmiddle on my skin.
2. The doctor prescribed an ointment to help relieve the discomfort caused by my blainmiddle.
3. I can't wear tight clothing over my blainmiddle because it's too painful.
4. I wish there was a way to prevent blainmiddle from forming in the first place.
5. My blainmiddle is so big that it's starting to affect my mobility.
6. The blainmiddle on my foot is making it difficult to walk.
7. I accidentally scratched my blainmiddle and now it's even more painful.
8. I tried to drain my blainmiddle myself and ended up making it worse.
9. The blainmiddle feels like a constant burning sensation.
10. Even though my blainmiddle is starting to heal, it still looks unsightly.
11. The blainmiddle is preventing me from being able to do my job properly.
12. I hate the way my blainmiddle looks and constantly cover it up with clothing or makeup.
13. I'm afraid to touch anything with my blainmiddle hand because it's so sensitive.
14. The doctor said that my blainmiddle was caused by an allergic reaction to something.
15. I have to take antibiotics to treat my blainmiddle because it's so severe.
16. My blainmiddle is starting to ooze pus and it's making me feel nauseous.
17. I can't believe how much pain a small blainmiddle can cause.
18. I'm scared that the blainmiddle will leave a scar after it heals.
19. I'm constantly applying a cooling gel to my blainmiddle to help relieve the pain.
20. I have to be careful not to bump my blainmiddle against anything because it's so tender.
21. When the blainmiddle finally bursts, it's such a relief.
22. The blainmiddle is so itchy that I can barely stand it.
23. I've tried every remedy to treat my blainmiddle and nothing seems to work.
24. The blainmiddle is affecting my sleep because I can't find a comfortable position to lie in.
25. It's embarrassing to have a blainmiddle on your face because everyone can see it.
26. My blainmiddle is so red and swollen that people keep asking me if I'm okay.
27. The blainmiddle is making it difficult for me to concentrate because of the constant pain.
28. I have to go to the hospital to have my blainmiddle drained because it's too big to treat at home.
29. I'm rearranging my schedule to accommodate for the fact that I can't use my blainmiddle hand for a while.
30. The blainmiddle is starting to scab over, which is a good sign that it's starting to heal.

Common Phases

1. Let's meet at the blainmiddle of the park;
2. The blainmiddle of the movie was the best part;
3. I found a great spot in the blainmiddle of the crowd;
4. The blainmiddle of the party is where all the action is;
5. I always sit in the blainmiddle of the classroom.

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