Blimpishly example sentences

Related (10): obesely, ponderously, rotundly, bulkily, corpulently, plumply, flabbily, podgily, heavily, beefily

"Blimpishly" Example Sentences

1. He walked into the room blimpishly, taking up more space than necessary.
2. The CEO moved blimpishly through the boardroom, a sense of entitlement palpable.
3. The football player waddled blimpishly onto the field, struggling to catch his breath.
4. The politician spoke blimpishly, his words full of hot air and empty promises.
5. The large man moved blimpishly down the street, causing people to step aside.
6. The old man sat blimpishly in his armchair, his belly protruding over his waistband.
7. The dog lay blimpishly on the couch, snoring loudly.
8. The elephant lumbered blimpishly through the jungle, crushing everything in its path.
9. The sumo wrestler moved blimpishly onto the mat, ready for his opponent.
10. The balloon bobbed blimpishly in the sky, tethered to the ground below.
11. The boat floated blimpishly on the water, its shape reminiscent of a blimp.
12. The airship moved blimpishly through the clouds, the passengers enjoying the view below.
13. The dirigible floated blimpishly over the city, advertising its latest product.
14. The astronaut floated blimpishly in zero gravity, enjoying the weightlessness.
15. The blimp moved blimpishly through the air, casting a shadow below.
16. The fat cat lay blimpishly on the windowsill, watching the world go by.
17. The wrestler moved blimpishly across the ring, taunting his opponent.
18. The blimp-shaped building loomed blimpishly over the skyline, dwarfing everything around it.
19. The cartoon character moved blimpishly across the screen, his ungainly movements comical.
20. The rapper strutted blimpishly across the stage, rapping to his adoring fans.
21. The sumo wrestler moved blimpishly onto the stage, ready to perform his traditional dance.
22. The giant robot moved blimpishly across the battlefield, crushing everything in its path.
23. The blimp-shaped balloon floated blimpishly in the air, a colorful sight against the blue sky.
24. The elephant moved blimpishly across the savanna, trumpeting to warn others of danger.
25. The blimp-style car floated blimpishly on the river, its occupants enjoying the scenic ride.
26. The spaceship moved blimpishly toward the planet, slowing its velocity as it approached.
27. The helium-filled balloon floated blimpishly across the park, drawing the attention of everyone.
28. The obese man moved blimpishly through the crowd, his size making it difficult to move quickly.
29. The zeppelin floated blimpishly over the ocean, its shape visible for miles around.
30. The football player waddled blimpishly onto the field, causing a ripple of laughter from the crowd.

Common Phases

1. The politician strutted blimpishly; his belly protruding in all its grandeur.
2. The chef waddled blimpishly around the kitchen, sampling each dish.
3. The overweight cat lounged blimpishly on the couch, demanding treats.
4. The wealthy entrepreneur sauntered blimpishly through the hotel lobby, commanding attention.
5. The arrogant athlete jogged blimpishly around the track, feeling superior to his competitors.
6. The pompous professor lectured blimpishly, believing himself to be the ultimate authority.
7. The pampered movie star lounged blimpishly in her trailer, demanding her every whim be catered to.

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