Blindside example sentences

Related (7): surprise, ambush, deceive, outmaneuver, hoodwink, flank, undercut

"Blindside" Example Sentences

1. The receiver was blindsided by the hard hit from the linebacker.
2. The unexpected news blindsided him, leaving him shocked and speechless.
3. The critical review blindsided the author, who had assumed the book would be well received.
4. The accident blindsided the family, who were left reeling in grief and confusion.
5. The sudden layoffs blindsided employees who had assumed their jobs were secure.
6. His confidence was blindsided by repeated failures on the test.
7. The betrayal by his friend blindsided him, as he had never expected such treachery.
8. The medical diagnosis blindsided her, upending her plans and assumptions about the future.
9. The lawsuit blindsided the company, as they had believed the issue had been resolved.
10. The argument blindsided their relationship, damaging the foundation of trust they had built.
11. His poor performance review blindsided him, as he had not realized his work was subpar.
12. Her boss's harsh criticism blindsided her, leaving her flustered and unprepared to respond.
13. The exam scores blindsided the student, who had studied hard and thought he did well.
14. The equipment failure blindsided the team who were unprepared for how to proceed.
15. The poor evaluation blindsided the employee, who felt they had met expectations.
16. The scandal blindsided the organization, undermining years of credibility and goodwill.
17. The proposal blindsided the girlfriend, who wasn't ready for such a commitment.
18. The fraud allegations blindsided the CEO, who had trusted his finance team implicitly.
19. The bad news blindsided the country, plunging morale and the economy into turmoil.
20. The accusations blindsided the celebrity, who denied any wrongdoing.
21. The parking ticket blindsided the driver, who had assumed the street was free to park.
22. The market crash blindsided the investors, who lost substantial sums overnight.
23. The zombie jumped out and blindsided the unsuspecting victim.
24. The Panthers blindsided the Patriots with a fast sack on the first play of the game.
25. Life's hardships periodically blindside us, requiring reflection and resilience to overcome.
26. The offensive comment blindsided the activist, who had thought her ally was supportive.
27. The downsizing announcement blindsided the loyal employee, leaving her shocked and shaken.
28. The new job responsibilities blindsided the worker, who lacked the expertise required.
29. The damning evidence blindsided the defendant, weakening his claim of innocence.
30. Her mother's death blindsided her during finals week, upending her plans and studies.
31. The rumor mill blindsided the celebrity, spreading gossip and fiction about their private life.
32. The argument with her friend blindsided the girl, ending a cherished relationship overnight.
33. His decision to enlist blindsided his parents, who struggled to understand and support him.
34. The missed diagnosis blindsided the patient, causing irreparable harm that could have been prevented.
35. The bullying at school blindsided the student, who had assumed making friends would be easy.
36. The final exam blindsided the well-meaning student, who struggled through unprepared.
37. The breakup blindsided him, leaving him heartbroken and confused.
38. His lies and deception eventually blindsided her, ending their relationship for good.
39. The police brutality allegations blindsided the mayor, forcing difficult conversations and reforms.
40. The hurricane blindsided the unprepared city, causing widespread damage and chaos.
41. The mass shooting blindsided the community, leaving residents shaken and in mourning.
42. The speeding ticket blindsided the unaware driver, who had not realized how fast they were going.
43. The coach's harsh criticism blindsided the star player, undermining his previously high confidence.
44. The market failure blindsided the financial firm, causing significant losses and reputational harm.
45. The puppy's destructive nature blindsided the unsuspecting owner, requiring heavy discipline.
46. The aggressive pushback blindsided the diplomat, who had believed the deal was universally supported.
47. Her blindness to racism and prejudice had once blindsided her, but education helped her gain awareness.
48. The curveball question blindsided the job applicant, forcing an awkward explanation.
49. The car crash blindsided the teenage driver, leaving her shaken and grateful to survive.
50. Her sudden illness blindsided the healthy woman, forcing major lifestyle changes.

Common Phases

1. Blindsided - surprised or shocked someone by an unexpected event, action, or revelation. "I was blindsided by the news of his arrest."
2. Come out of the blue - happen unexpectedly and unexpectedly. "The announcement came out of the blue and blindsided everyone."
3. Take by surprise - catch someone unprepared or unaware. "The bad review took him by surprise and blindsided him."
4. Hit out of nowhere - happen suddenly and without warning. "The complaint hit out of nowhere and blindsided the company."
5. Caught off guard - catch someone unprepared or unawares. "Her resignation caught him off guard and blindsided him."
6. Leave reeling - cause someone to feel stunned, confused, or disoriented. "The scandal left the organization reeling and blindsided."
7. Leave flabbergasted - cause someone to be extremely surprised and confused. "The allegations left him flabbergasted and blindsided."
8. Throw for a loop - cause confusion by surprising someone with unexpected news or an event. "The diagnosis threw her for a loop and blindsided her."
9. Caught unaware - find someone unprepared or uninformed. "The moderator caught the candidate unaware, blindsidings him with a difficult question."
10. Pull the rug out - cause serious difficulty for someone because of unexpected circumstances. "The accusations pulled the rug out from under him and blindsided his campaign."

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