Blowhards example sentences

Related (12): braggarts, windbags, gasbags, loudmouths, bigmouths, braggadocios, boasters, show-offs, pompous, overblown, vainglorious, egotistical.



blowhards (plural noun)

  - a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way:


boaster, brag, bragger, blusterer, trumpeter, swaggerer, poser, poseur, peacock, egotist, bighead, windbag, gasbag, loudmouth, swank, showboat, bullshitter, blower, bouncer, shaker, puff, braggadocio, fanfaronade, attitudinizer

"Blowhards" Example Sentences

1. The group was mostly composed of blowhards who loved to hear themselves talk.
2. I can't stand listening to these political blowhards on the news.
3. Don't waste your time arguing with blowhards who refuse to listen to reason.
4. The office was full of blowhards who loved to brag about their accomplishments.
5. I couldn't believe how many blowhards were at the party, all trying to outdo each other.
6. The meeting was dominated by blowhards who had no real understanding of the issues at hand.
7. The candidate's speech was full of empty promises and grandiose statements, typical of a blowhard.
8. He's nothing but a blowhard who likes to talk tough, but has no real substance behind his words.
9. She quickly saw through the blowhard's bluster and recognized his lack of intelligence.
10. The internet is full of self-proclaimed experts and blowhards spewing half-baked opinions.
11. I'm tired of listening to these blowhards who think they know everything, but are actually clueless.
12. The board meeting was disrupted by a blowhard who kept interrupting and shouting over everyone else.
13. The boss was a blowhard who loved to yell and intimidate his employees.
14. The courtroom was filled with blowhards, all trying to impress the judge with their legal knowledge.
15. I was hoping for a productive dialogue, but instead got stuck listening to a bunch of blowhards.
16. The restaurant was ruined by the obnoxious blowhards sitting at the next table, loudly bragging about their accomplishments.
17. The blowhard lecturer droned on and on, boring the audience to tears.
18. The presidential debate was filled with blowhards pandering to their base and avoiding actual policy discussion.
19. I couldn't respect someone who only talks the talk, like a blowhard, instead of walking the walk.
20. The seminar was ruined by the blowhard speaker who kept going off on tangents and wouldn't stick to the topic.
21. The CEO was a notorious blowhard who liked to hear the sound of his own voice.
22. The classroom was dominated by the blowhard student who monopolized the discussion and never let anyone else speak.
23. I had no patience for the blowhard who boasted about his wealth and status to impress others.
24. The sales team was full of blowhards who made big promises, but could never deliver.
25. The city council meeting was filled with blowhards who were more interested in grandstanding than actually governing.
26. I had to tune out the blowhard on the radio who was spouting ridiculous conspiracy theories.
27. The company picnic was ruined by the blowhard who kept telling the same boring story over and over.
28. The football coach was tired of dealing with the blowhards who always thought they knew better than him.
29. The locker room was full of blowhards boasting about their prowess on the playing field.
30. The blowhard politician was voted out of office for his lack of action and propensity for empty rhetoric.

Common Phases

1. "Blowhards always talk a big game;"
2. "These blowhards have no substance to their claims;"
3. "It's exhausting listening to blowhards inflate their egos;"
4. "Most people see through blowhards' empty rhetoric;"
5. "Blowhards tend to exaggerate their accomplishments;"
6. "It's best to avoid blowhards who always need to be the center of attention;"
7. "Blowhards often lack self-awareness and humility;"
8. "Blowhards are a dime a dozen in politics and business;"
9. "Don't be fooled by a blowhard's confident demeanor, they may not know what they're talking about;"
10. "Blowhards make promises they can't keep, it's best to steer clear of their grandiose plans."

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