Bodyguarding example sentences

Related (14): security, protection, defense, escorting, shielding, safeguarding, monitoring, surveillance, patrolling, covering, shadowing, guiding, watching, shielding.

"Bodyguarding" Example Sentences

1. Bodyguarding is a demanding job that requires physical strength and mental agility.
2. My friend is bodyguarding a famous celebrity at the moment.
3. The President has a team of expert bodyguards who ensure his safety at all times.
4. Bodyguarding is a profession that's often glamorized in movies and TV shows.
5. The bodyguarding industry has been growing rapidly in recent years.
6. I was so impressed by the level of professionalism displayed by the bodyguards.
7. Bodyguarding involves risk, and one must be prepared for any eventuality.
8. The bodyguards worked tirelessly to keep the VIP guests safe and secure.
9. The bodyguarding industry is regulated by strict codes of conduct and ethics.
10. The bodyguard was trained in martial arts and had excellent reflexes.
11. The bodyguarding team was on high alert during the event.
12. Bodyguarding is not just about protecting your client, but also maintaining their privacy.
13. Many celebrities rely on their bodyguards to shield them from the paparazzi.
14. The bodyguarding company provided round-the-clock protection for their clients.
15. Bodyguards are often required to travel with their clients to different countries.
16. The bodyguard had to act quickly to neutralize the threat.
17. The bodyguarding business can be highly competitive, with many companies vying for clients.
18. The bodyguards were constantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.
19. Bodyguarding requires a high degree of physical fitness and mental toughness.
20. The bodyguard was armed and always ready to respond to any threat.
21. The bodyguards formed a human shield around the VIP guests.
22. Bodyguarding is not for the faint-hearted; you need to be able to handle high-pressure situations.
23. The bodyguarding company had an excellent reputation for providing top-notch security services.
24. The bodyguard kept a watchful eye on the crowd, looking for any suspicious activity.
25. The bodyguard was always one step ahead of any potential threats.
26. The bodyguarding industry has come under criticism for its lack of diversity.
27. The bodyguards were well-trained and equipped to handle any situation.
28. The bodyguarding company offered bespoke security solutions for its clients.
29. The bodyguarding team worked in close collaboration with local law enforcement authorities.
30. Bodyguarding is a noble profession, and those who excel at it are highly respected.

Common Phases

1. The politician always travels with bodyguarding; it ensures their safety and security in public.
2. Celebrities hire bodyguarding services to protect them from obsessive fans and paparazzi.
3. Business tycoons often employ bodyguarding services to protect themselves and their assets from potential threats.
4. Bodyguarding can be a lucrative career choice for individuals who have the skills and training required for the job.
5. High-profile events such as award shows and sports tournaments require extensive bodyguarding to maintain order and safety.

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