Bolking example sentences

Related (8): hesitating, stalling, procrastinating, delaying, dawdling, lingering, wavering, faltering

"Bolking" Example Sentences

1. Sarah was always bolking whenever her friends suggested trying new things.
2. The horse kept bolking every time it approached the jump.
3. The car engine started bolking after being driven for several hours.
4. Jake's fear of heights caused him to start bolking at the thought of riding the rollercoaster.
5. The athlete experienced bolking during training due to sore muscles.
6. The company's profits began bolking after the new CEO took over.
7. Despite her initial bolking, Maria decided to take up skydiving.
8. The child started bolking at the idea of eating vegetables for dinner.
9. The team's bolking attitude caused them to lose the game.
10. The writer experienced bolking when trying to come up with new ideas.
11. Jerry's fear of public speaking caused him to bolk whenever he had to give a presentation.
12. The student kept bolking at questions during the exam due to anxiety.
13. The politician's bolking caused him to lose support from his party.
14. The employee's bolking behavior resulted in his termination from the company.
15. The dancer kept bolking at the difficult moves during practice.
16. The mountain climber experienced bolking when approaching the summit.
17. The dog began bolking when it saw the cat across the street.
18. The speaker overcame her bolking and delivered an excellent speech.
19. The musician's bolking prevented him from pursuing a career in music.
20. Despite his bolking, Tom decided to try bungee jumping.
21. The team's bolking attitude prevented them from reaching their full potential.
22. The CEO's bolking decision led to the company's downfall.
23. The runner's bolking resulted in a slower race time.
24. The traveler began bolking at the thought of traveling alone.
25. The student kept bolking at the math problems during the test.
26. The chef's bolking caused him to never try new recipes.
27. Despite her bolking, Amy decided to take up rock climbing.
28. The company's bolking attitude led to many missed opportunities.
29. The actor experienced bolking during auditions.
30. The teacher's bolking response to new teaching methods led to a decrease in student engagement.
31. The athlete's bolking behavior resulted in a lower overall score.
32. Despite the bolking of some teammates, the group completed the project on time.
33. The artist experienced bolking when trying to come up with new ideas.
34. The investor's bolking led to missed business opportunities.
35. The writer overcame her bolking and finished her novel.
36. The employee's bolking behavior caused friction within the team.
37. Despite his bolking, Tyler decided to try surfing.
38. The team's bolking response to criticism hindered their progress.
39. The entrepreneur's bolking attitude led to the failure of his startup.
40. The musician overcame his bolking and pursued his passion for music.

Common Phases

1. He's been bolking at the idea of starting a new job;
2. She always bolks at the thought of public speaking;
3. The team is bolking at the challenging project ahead;
4. Despite his experience, he still bolks at the idea of skydiving;
5. The company is bolking at the cost of implementing the new software.

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