Bombproofs example sentences

Related (3): shelters, bunkers, fortresses

"Bombproofs" Example Sentences

1. Julie feels much safer in her horse's bombproofs.
2. The trainers emphasized the importance of bombproofs for police horses.
3. The new horse was a little spooky, but good bombproofs helped build his confidence.
4. The owner invested in bombproofs so that guests could safely enjoy trail rides.
5. John's pony had impeccable bombproofs, making him a great confidence builder for beginner riders.
6. Sarah's mare lacked bombproofs, causing her to spook at unexpected noises.
7. The horse show required all participants to have bombproofs on their horses to ensure everyone's safety.
8. The trail guide urged riders to use bombproofs on their horses to prevent accidents.
9. Police officers rely on bombproofs for their equine partners during public events.
10. Emily's horse had such solid bombproofs that it didn't even flinch at the sound of fireworks.
11. The horse rescue made sure to evaluate each horse's bombproofs before offering them for adoption.
12. Riders with horses that have strong bombproofs are often requested for parades and ceremonies.
13. Bombproofs are an essential aspect of natural horsemanship training.
14. Billy was able to ride his horse without any issues thanks to its bombproofs.
15. The therapeutic riding center trained each horse to have excellent bombproofs to accommodate riders with special needs.
16. The riding school required all students to use bombproofs during lessons for added safety.
17. Sarah's horse benefited from bombproofs training, which helped build trust between them.
18. The horse's bombproofs were put to the test during a loud and crowded county fair, and he passed with flying colors.
19. Event planners prefer horses with bombproofs for outdoor parties and gatherings.
20. The riding instructor suggested building a horse's bombproofs by exposing them to different environments and stimuli.
21. Horses with bombproofs are often used for search and rescue missions due to their calm demeanor.
22. The horse's bombproofs saved him from being spooked by a passing car, preventing a dangerous situation.
23. The equestrian team was required to demonstrate their horse's bombproofs during a competitive drill.
24. Riding in groups with horses that have strong bombproofs can alleviate anxiety for some riders.
25. The camp counselors made sure to use horses with bombproofs for the younger riders' safety.
26. The wounded warrior program utilized horses with bombproofs as an added therapeutic benefit for veterans.
27. The dressage judge was impressed with the horse's bombproofs during the event's freestyle performance.
28. A horse's bombproofs can be compromised by lack of exposure to new environments and situations.
29. Riders with horses lacking bombproofs may benefit from desensitization training to build confidence and trust.
30. Bombproofs are an essential tool for any rider looking to build a safe and trusting relationship with their horse.

Common Phases

1. That plan is bombproof; we've thought of every possible scenario.
2. The wall needs to be bombproof; it's a high-risk area.
3. He's living in a bombproof bunker; nothing can get to him there.
4. The security measures in place are bombproof; we're confident in their effectiveness.
5. The building is designed to be bombproof; it can withstand even the strongest explosions.
6. The equipment we're using is bombproof; it's been tested extensively for durability and reliability.
7. Our backup systems are bombproof; we won't lose any data in the event of a disaster.
8. The communication channels we're using are bombproof; they're encrypted and secure.
9. This deal is bombproof; we've covered all our bases and minimized our risks.
10. The team we've assembled is bombproof; they have the skills and experience to handle any challenge.

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