Borer example sentences

Related (13): insect, wood, larvae, tunnel, damage, infestation, bark, plant, crop, ash, oak, pine, elm

"Borer" Example Sentences

1. The peach tree in our yard has been infested with borers.
2. The woodpecker was pecking at the tree trunk, trying to catch the borer inside.
3. The apple tree was struggling to thrive due to a borer infestation.
4. The farmer lost most of his crop to the corn borer.
5. The borer beetle had buried itself deep into the bark of the tree.
6. The forester sprayed the trees with insecticide to prevent borer damage.
7. The borer larvae were devouring the inside of the ash tree.
8. The pest control company recommended using nematodes to combat the borer problem.
9. The firewood was infested with borers and had to be discarded.
10. The borer cocoons were tucked away among the tree branches.
11. The cherry tree was able to produce more fruit once the borer infestation was eradicated.
12. The locust borer is a common pest that attacks black locust trees.
13. The borer holes on the tree trunk were a clear sign of an infestation.
14. The ash borer has been wreaking havoc on ash trees across the country.
15. The pine borer had destroyed most of the trees in the forest.
16. The pear tree had developed a resistance to the borer larvae.
17. The arborist recommended removing the affected branches to stop the borer spread.
18. The ash tree was completely hollowed out by the borer.
19. The elm borer had killed most of the trees in the park.
20. The fig tree was flourishing after the borer infestation was treated.
21. The maple borer is a major pest in the northeastern United States.
22. The peach borer is known to cause significant damage to peach and plum trees.
23. The oak borer had killed the oldest and largest tree in the forest.
24. The psyllid borer was attacking the eucalyptus trees in the park.
25. The borer beetle had chewed a network of tunnels inside the tree trunk.
26. The cherry borer is a type of beetle that feeds on the bark of cherry trees.
27. The cottonwood borer was devouring the trunks of the cottonwood trees.
28. The borer infestation had caused the leaves on the apple tree to turn brown and wilt.
29. The poplar borer had damaged the bark of the poplar trees in the area.
30. The caterpillar of the peach tree borer was destroying the fruit of the tree.

Common Phases

1. The borer beetle infestation caused significant damage to the trees;
2. Farmers must be proactive in preventing borer infestations;
3. The borer larva burrows through the wood;
4. The borer moth lays its eggs in the bark of the tree;
5. The fungal spores attract borer beetles to the damaged trees.

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