Bower example sentences

Related (10): arbor, pergola, trellis, gazebo, alcove, nook, recess, shelter, retreat, hideaway

"Bower" Example Sentences

1. The fairy built her home in the leafy bower.
2. The bowerbird decorated his bower with bright blue objects to attract a mate.
3. The secret garden was like an enchanted bower hidden away from the outside world.
4. The climbing vines twined around the arbor formed a shady bower.
5. The blossoming lilacs made a fragrant bower in the corner of the yard.
6. The weeping willows formed a leafy bower beside the pond.
7. The old pear tree created a lovely bower in the back garden.
8. The climbing roses formed an aromatic bower over the patio.
9. The knotted vines created a rustic bower above the ruins.
10. The children made a play fort from the leafy bower of elm branches.
11. The flowering vines created a colorful bower over the cottage porch.
12. We sat beneath the bower of wisteria flowers and talked for hours.
13. The lush bamboo created a tropical bower surrounding the koi pond.
14. The honeysuckle blooms filled the bower with their sweet scent.
15. The children played happily in the shady bower of the old oak tree.
16. The forest floor was like a leafy bower underneath the spreading oaks.
17. The old trees created a peaceful bower for reflection and meditation.
18. The climbing jasmine created a fragrant bower over the back porch.
19. The rambler roses formed a picturesque bower covering the garden wall.
20. The grape arbor created a cool green bower in the midst of the heat.
21. The azalea bushes formed a colorful flowering bower along the path.
22. We sat beneath the bower of elm branches out of the summer sun.
23. The flowering canopy overhead created a lovely shaded bower.
24. The orchard formed a green bower at the bottom of the garden.
25. The honeysuckle bower was her favorite shady retreat on a hot day.
26. Her hidden bower beneath the flowering branches is where she did her best thinking.
27. The flowering vine created a splendid bower over the garden fence.
28. The canopy of branches formed a picturesque floral bower overhead.
29. The children played happily in the leafy bower of the old oak tree out of sight of their parents.
30. The bower of elm branches feels like a cathedral in springtime.
31. The old pear tree formed a beautiful natural bower in the garden.
32. The blooming cherry tree formed a fragrant bower above the bench.
33. The climbing hydrangeas formed an enchanting floral bower along the wall.
34. The trumpet vines created a lush bower surrounding the flagstone patio.
35. The ivy-covered arbor formed a secluded floral bower in the courtyard.
36. Under the bower of oak tree branches we sat hidden from the rest of the world.
37. The branches twining together over our heads created an enchanting floral bower.
38. The flowering branches formed an overhead bower full of the aroma of spring blossoms.
39. The roses climbed high over the trellis to create a fragrant bower above the garden path.
40. She sat beneath the bower of rhododendron blossoms and enjoyed the solitude.
41. They sat beneath the lilac bower trying to escape the summer heat for just a little while.
42. He built a small hut within the bower of willow branches near the riverbank.
43. The dogwood tree blossoms created a delicate floral bower above the grass.
44. The old apple tree formed a peaceful natural bower in the garden.
45. The grapevine arbor created a shady green bower on the patio.
46. The maple tree branches formed an arching natural bower on the lawn.
47. The vine-covered arbor created an fragrant bower framing the garden view.
48. The magnolia blossoms created a wondrous floral bower overhead.
49. The forest thinned out into a leafy bower beside the quiet pool.
50. The orchard trees came together overhead to form an arching green bower.
51. The wisteria vines stretched high to create a lavender floral bower.
52. He sat beneath the bower of elm branches and enjoyed the solitude.
53. The flowering vine created a beautiful natural floral bower overhead.
54. She sat beneath the bower of cherry blossoms and contemplated life's meaning.
55. The falling petals from the weeping willow created a leafy floral bower.
56. The grassy patch underneath the oak tree formed a shady natural bower.
57. The canopy of intertwined branches formed an enchanting natural bower overhead.
58. The climbing jasmine formed a fragrant bower along the garden wall.
59. The canopy of elm branches formed an arching leafy bower above the path.
60. The apple blossoms created a fragrant white bower over the stone wall.

Common Phases

1. She stepped into the bower to escape the heat of the summer sun.
2. The bower bird decorated his nest with bright blue objects.
3. The bride hid in the leafy bower while the groom searched for her.
4. The verdant bower created a cool oasis in the desert garden.
5. The bower was filled with fragrant jasmine flowers.
6. The lush vines created a bower over the garden bench.
7. She sat in the rustic bower and enjoyed the view of the valley.
8. The bower was filled with pale green light filtering through the leaves.
9. The vines that arched over the bower created privacy from the rest of the garden.
10. The maiden hid in the bower waiting for her true love to rescue her.
11. They married in the small bower underneath the ancient oak tree.
12. She read her book in the shady bower overlooking the pond.
13. They decorated the bower with flowers and streamers for the wedding ceremony.
14. The bower bird constructed an elaborate bower from sticks and leaves.
15. The bowerbirds build bowers to attract mates.
16. The prince climbed into the leafy bower to rescue the fair maiden.
17. The ancient bower was overgrown with ivy and vines.
18. He created a rustic bower from woven willow branches.
19. The thatched roof of the bower kept the rain out.
20. The fairy retreated into her bower at the sound of human footsteps.
21. They sought shelter from the rain in the bower.
22. The bower was hung with strings of fragrant jasmine.
23. The ivy-covered bower provided a cool retreat from the noonday sun.
24. The princess hid in her garden bower awaiting her prince's kiss.
25. The hanging vines allowed just enough light into the gloomy bower.
26. The ancient stone bower withstood the test of time.
27. She sat in the leafy bower writing in her journal.
28. The wooden arbor formed an inviting bower.
29. The romantic bower served as a backdrop for many memorable evenings.
30. The ancient stone bower remained though its purpose was forgotten.
31. The bowerbird created an elaborate and colorful bower to attract a mate.
32. The bower was a favorite reading nook.
33. The bride and groom exchanged vows beneath the canopy of the flower-filled bower.
34. He constructed the bower by weaving willow branches together.
35. She would hide in her garden bower when she wanted to be alone.
36. The wildflowers that grew within the bower perfumed the air.
37. The ornate bower was filled with treasures.
38. The bee hummed as it entered the honeysuckle-draped bower.
39. The stone arbor created an artistic bower.
40. The bower was a place of solace and refuge.
41. They decorated the wedding bower with strands of white lights.
42. She sat beneath the bower plucking petals from a daisy.
43. The bower provided shade from the noonday sun.
44. They sat in the cool bower enjoying the fragrance of the jasmine flowers.
45. The rustic bower became a hidden garden retreat.
46. The bower provided protection from the elements.
47. The bower was decorated with fairy lights for the garden party.
48. They built a thatched roof bower with woven willow branches.
49. The bower was hidden deep within the mysterious forest.
50. The stone bower survived the centuries though its purpose was forgotten.
51. The bower bird secures twigs and flowers to adorn his bowers.
52. They retreated to the cool bower to escape the heat of the afternoon.
53. She sat in the garden bower reading a novel.
54. Vines covered the ancient stone bower.
55. They were married in a flower-filled wooden arbor bower.
56. The fairy princess hid in her bower awaiting her true love's kiss.
57. The vine-covered stone bower provided shelter from the sun.
58. The bride and groom said their vows beneath the hanging vines of the large wooden arbor bower.
59. The bridal party posed for pictures in front of the flower-covered bower.
60. The children played hide and seek within the leafy bower.

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