Boyos example sentences

Related (5): Pals, Mates, Friends, Buddies, Companions.

"Boyos" Example Sentences

1. Me and the lads, we're gonna have us a grand old time, ain't that right boyos?
2. Come on boyos, get yourself a pint and enjoy yourselves tonight!
3. The boyos were up to no good, causing a ruckus down at the pub.
4. Here we go lads, the boyos are out in force tonight!
5. Let's get this party started boyos!
6. Right then boyos, who's first for a round?
7. Where are you off to tonight boyos? Fancy a game of darts down the local?
8. The boyos were out celebrating Jimmy's birthday at the pub.
9. The football lads, the boyos as they're known, were busy planning their away trip.
10. There's the boyos! Good to see you lads, pull up a stool and have a pint.
11. It's a right mess in here, the boyos have been in I see.
12. Not a drop left in the keg, the boyos must have been here already.
13. The boyos have broken out the auld Gaelic football and they're thrashing about in the street like hooligans.
14. Here we go then lad, you and me, couple of the boyos out on the town for a night of merriment.
15. Let's be having you boyos! Get yourselves down the pub and enjoy a well-earned pint.
16. The boyos are planning a wee game of poker tonight down the Legion, fancy joining us?
17. The boyos have been and gone, leaving pints half drunk and chairs pulled out all over the place.
18. Right so, what shall we be up to tonight lads, you boyos fancy a few jars?
19. It's good to see the boyos out and about again, thought they'd forgotten how to have a bit of fun!
20. The boyos were rounded up to help paint the church hall at the weekend.
21. Who let the boyos in? They're making an almighty racket!
22. The boyos will be wondering where I've got to, best be off and join them for a scoop.
23. Here's to you boyos! May your glasses never empty and your troubles never last.
24. We'll show those boyos a thing or two, won't we lads?
25. Oi, you boyos! Come over here and buy me a pint!
26. It's a block party tonight lads, all the boyos are gonna be there.
27. Time we were heading off boyos, before the last orders bell goes and we're closed out!
28. Good to see you boyos! Been awhile since we had a proper catch up, what say you we put that right over a pint or two?
29. And what mischief have you boyos been up to now then?
30. Right, off we go boyos! Time to paint the town red!
31. Here's mud in your eye boyos!
32. The boyos have planned a wee trip to the Highlands for the football, gonna be a whale of a time.
33. Off to the rugby boyos? Better brace yourselves, that lot from across town are playing dirty again this season.
34. Good on you boyos for helping out at the soup kitchen, that's real community spirit that is.
35. The boyos are having a wee get together tomorrow night, fancy joining us?
36. Away and have your fun boyos but mind how you go, right?
37. Here's to a night of tomfoolery and merrymaking with the boyos!
38. The boyos worked up quite an appetite, I see they've made a right dent in the biscuit tin already!
39. It's been nice catchin up with you fine boyos but I best be getting home to the missus, or there'll be hell to pay!
40. Should've known the boyos would be behind this, up to their old tricks again I see!
41. The boyos were busy planning their summer camping trip down at the pub last night.
42. Oi, you boyos! Quit causing mischief and get yourselves home now before your mammies come looking for you!
43. Good on you lads, the boyos rallied round and helped put the village fete on, wasn't it a grand success!
44. Well if it isn't the boyos themselves! Good to see you lads, you're a welcome sight indeed.
45. The boyos have evidently been here already, look at the state of this place!
46. Go on with you boyos, off you pop and enjoy yourselves, mind how you go now!
47. Time we were slipping away boyos before the bar staff start giving us evil eyes, eh?
48. Here's to a night of rabble rousing and tomfoolery with the fine boyos!
49. Looks like the boyos won their match, they're pouring out of the stadium in high spirits!
50. Away on with you now boyos before the missus comes looking for ye, else you're like to get an ear bashing!

Common Phases

1. Well lads, are we ready for the match today? Come on, boyos!
2. The boyos are heading to the pub for a few pints before kickoff. Who's in?
3. Gather round, boyos. I've got tickets for the match.
4. Come on you boyos! You can do it, lads! Keep pushing!
5. The boyos had a few jars after the game and were in high spirits.
6. We showed 'em what for today, didn't we boyos!
7. Those boyos don't know who they're messing with, do they lads?
8. How are the boyos today? Up for a bit of mischief as usual?
9. Those English lads never stood a chance against our boyos!
10. The boyos were singing and dancing in the street after their victory.
11. Let's kick some English ass, boys! Come on, boyos, we can do it!
12. Well done, boyos! A cracking good match, if I do say so meself.
13. Right, is everybody here? Time to go lads. Come on then, boyos, let's be off!
14. The match was bloody brilliant, wasn't it boyos?
15. Those were some beautiful tries our boyos scored today.
16. Our boyos were on fire today, weren't they lads?
17. Brilliant game! The boyos played their hearts out. Couldn't be prouder.
18. How are the boyos this evening? Up for a wee bit of craic tonight?
19. Good man yourself! The boyos and I will see you at the pub shortly.
20. Come on lads, join in the singing. Let's hear those boyos voices!
21. The boyos are always up for a few laughs and a sing song after a good match.
22. The match had all of Erin cheering for our boyos today!
23. No surrender, boyos! Keep fighting til the final whistle!
24. The boyos really showed what they were made of in that last quarter.
25. We've got some top-class players in that team, haven't we boyos?
26. Sure and we're the best team in Ireland, aren't we boyos?
27. The pub will be full of proud supporters tonight, cheering for our victorious boyos!
28. How did the match go, boyos? Did our lads win?
29. Brilliant result, boyos! Couldn't be happier with the way you played.
30. Come around for a few scoops and we'll celebrate the boyos victory in style.
31. Better watch out for those drunken boyos tonight, lads. They'll be riding high.
32. Right, everyone gather round - I've got some pints for the boyos!
33. The boyos are going places this season, I can feel it in me waters!
34. Our boyos fought valiantly today and showed great spirit on the pitch.
35. We've got ourselves some cheeky boyos here, haven't we ladies?
36. Get those boyos into bed before they cause any more mischief!
37. Those cheeky boyos are up to no good again, tearing around the place!
38. Alright lads, finish your supper and it's off to bed with ye, boyos!
39. Those fresh-faced boyos never stood a chance against our rugged veterans.
40. Remember, boyos, no fighting, just good clean fun and craic tonight!
41. Those little boyos sure know how to cause trouble, don't they?
42. The boyos are having a ball out there, terrorizing the neighborhood!
43. Right, that's enough play for today, boyos. Time to come on home now.
44. The boyos were out in full force yesterday, causing mayhem as usual!
45. No running in the house, boyos! You'll be breaking mammy's china next!
46. Our boyos will bring glory to our wee town yet, you'll see!
47. Come here ye bold boyos, what mischief have ye been up to now?!
48. Be good for yer mammy now, boyos, and no more monkey business!
49. Those cheeky boyos sure know how to get into trouble!
50. I'll be keeping an eye on you boyos tonight, so no funny business!
51. Away and play nice now, boyos, before I tan all yer hides!
52. Right, time for bed boyos. You've had enough mischief for one day!
53. Our brave boyos fought gallantly but were ultimately defeated.
54. Sure and our gallant wee boyos tried their best, God love 'em.
55. Let's hear it for our victorious boyos! Three cheers! Hip hip hooray!
56. Well done boyos, a fine game ye played and ye did yer country proud.
57. Up the boyos! Come on lads, we can do this! Keep the faith!
58. Who's ready for a few scoops and some craic? Come on then, boyos!
59. Nothing but respect for our brave young boyos who did us proud today.
60. Our hearty boyos fought nobly and never backed down an inch.

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