Bracts example sentences

Related (6): petals, sepals, flowers, inflorescence, phyllaries, involucre.

"Bracts" Example Sentences

1. The pine cone had woody bracts protecting the seeds.
2. The bracts encasing the flowers were green and serrated.
3. The bracts were used as an identifier in determining the plant species.
4. The flower bracts assisted in pollination by attracting insects.
5. The overlapping scale-like bracts extended beyond the cone scales.
6. The bracts emanating from the inflorescence stalk were colorful and showy.
7. The prickly bracts deterred animals from eating the seeds.
8. The bracts that grew at the base of the flowers fell off after blooming.
9. The genista plant had thin, petal-like bracts surrounding the yellow flowers.
10. The calyx bracts supported the flower bud before it opened.
11. Anemones have colorful floral bracts that resemble the petals.
12. Modified bracts often form different parts of flowers besides leaves.
13. The thick fleshy bracts helped conserve water in the arid climate.
14. The deciduous plant dropped its small, scale-like bracts every fall.
15. The fern sporangia were located underneath the protective bracts.
16. The zygomorphic flower had unevenly shaped bracts beneath each petal.
17. The leafy green bracts maintained high levels of chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
18. The overlapping bracts created the cone-like fruiting structure.
19. Bracts can function as protection, attraction for pollinators, or photosynthesis aids.
20. Bracts are usually smaller than leaves and often have no stalk.
21.The bracts continued growing after the petals fell off the flowers.
22. The perianth bracts formed the outerpetal-like structure that protects the flower bud.
23. The bracts exhibited a color gradation from green at the base to red at the apex.
24. The eucalyptus tree had small, toothlike bracts surrounding the fruit.
25. Gusts of wind lifted and swirled the tiny bracts around the garden.
26. The bracts encased the flower buds in a papery sheath during winter.
27. Scalloped bracts lined the edge of the inflorescence stalk.
28. Dead dry bracts littered the ground beneath the pine trees every fall.
29. Stonecrop plants had succulent bracts that retained water during drought.
30. Slits in the bracts allowed pollen to escape and pollinate other flowers.
31. The stem bracts overlapped each other in a spiral arrangement up the stalk.
32. Hollow pithy bracts insulated the winter flower buds from the cold.
33. The sharp spines on the bracts helped to deter grazing animals.
34. Botanists used the size, shape and color of bracts to classify plant species.
35. The bracts remain on the plant long after the flower parts have fallen.
36. The insectivorous plant used sticky bracts to trap its prey.
37. Phyllaries are types of bracts that resemble leaves and protect the flower head.
38. Bracts may be colored, fused or enlarged to attract pollinators.
39. Bracts form the papery husk surrounding the ear of corn.
40. The bell-shaped bracts sheltered the tiny snails during winter rains.
41. Spathes are large bracts that enclose an inflorescence.
42. The butterfly landed on the brightly colored floral bracts.
43. The jointed stem was lined with overlapping triangular bracts.
44. Early spring windstorms scattered the broad membranous bracts across the fields.
45. The purple bracts enveloped the unopened flower bud like a cloak.
46.Broad fleshy bracts crowned the jungle plant.
47. Closely spaced thorny bracts protected the fruit from would-be seed predators.
48. The tassel-shaped inflorescence had bare bracts devoid of chlorophyll.
49.Juniper trees developed woody bracts that eventually fused to form scales.
50. The protective bracts did not wither after the flowers bloomed.
51. Leaves modified into bracts can function as storage organs.
52. Twining vines used prickly bracts to grab onto nearby plants for support.
53. The pteridophyte plant reproduced via spores located beneath scale-like bracts.
54. Some plants utilize bracts to trap and digest insects.
55. Floral bracts can produce nectar to attract pollinators.
56. The dry remains of bracts littered the forest floor after spring bloom.
57. Small flowers typically have more conspicuous bracts.
58. Flower bracts often provide the first colors of spring.
59. Phylogenetic analysis utilizes traits such as bract shape and size.
60. Bracts adhere closely to stems and may be sessile or stalked.

Common Phases

1. Bracts often function to protect flowers and buds.
2. Bracts are modified leaves that occur at the base of flowers.
3. The bracts subtend the flowers of the inflorescence.
4. Bracts are smaller and simpler than true leaves.
5. Bracts may be green, brightly colored or fused.
6. Bracts are used to identify and classify plant species.
7. Bracts are remnants of leaves that serve various functions.
8. Floral bracts may resemble petals and attract pollinators.
9. Bracts can exhibit a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors.
10. Bracts may persist after flowers wither and fall.
11. Scale-like bracts form the overlapping scales of cones.
12. Bracts can act as storage organs in some plants.
13. Spathes are large bracts that enclose an inflorescence.
14. Phyllaries are types of bracts that surround the flower head.
15. Bracteole bracts occur in pairs at opposite sides of flowers.

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