Brigadiers example sentences

Related (6): military, commanders, officers, ranks, battalions, regiments

"Brigadiers" Example Sentences

1. The meeting was attended by several high-ranking officials, including brigadiers from the army.
2. The brigadiers led the troops into battle with great courage and precision.
3. There was a heated debate among the brigadiers about the best strategy to adopt.
4. The brigadiers were responsible for the safety and security of the base.
5. The brigadiers were renowned for their strict discipline and unwavering loyalty.
6. The brigadiers were the highest-ranking officers on the base.
7. The brigadiers were always the first to arrive at the scene in times of crisis.
8. The brigadiers were known for their expertise in combat and strategic planning.
9. The brigadiers were greatly respected by the soldiers under their command.
10. The brigadiers played a key role in the success of the mission.
11. The brigadiers were instrumental in carrying out the orders of their superiors.
12. The brigadiers received numerous commendations for their outstanding service.
13. The brigadiers were constantly striving to improve the efficiency of their operations.
14. The brigadiers were responsible for overseeing the training of new recruits.
15. The brigadiers worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of their fellow soldiers.
16. The brigadiers were deeply committed to upholding the values and traditions of the military.
17. The brigadiers were respected not just for their rank, but for their character and leadership.
18. The brigadiers took great pride in their work and were always striving to do better.
19. The brigadiers were always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.
20. The brigadiers were true professionals who put the interests of their country first.
21. The brigadiers were known for their excellent communication skills and ability to inspire others.
22. The brigadiers were constantly pushing themselves to be the best they could be.
23. The brigadiers were experts in their field, with years of experience in the military.
24. It was an honor for the soldiers to be chosen to serve under the brigadiers.
25. The brigadiers worked closely with other high-ranking officials to ensure smooth operations.
26. The brigadiers were well-respected by their peers and superiors alike.
27. The brigadiers were unfailingly loyal to their country and its people.
28. The brigadiers were often called upon to make difficult decisions in times of crisis.
29. The brigadiers had a reputation for being tough but fair with their troops.
30. The brigadiers were an essential part of the military chain of command.

Common Phases

1. The brigadiers led their troops into battle;
2. The brigadiers strategized their attack plan;
3. The brigadiers communicated orders to their soldiers;
4. The brigadiers assessed their enemy's weaknesses;
5. The brigadiers maintained control over their troops;
6. The brigadiers celebrated their victory with their soldiers;
7. The brigadiers mourned the loss of their fallen comrades.

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