"Broke" Example Sentences
1. He broke the vase when he tripped and fell.
2. She broke her leg after slipping on the icy sidewalk.
3. The window broke during the storm.
4. The team broke the record for the most runs scored in a game.
5. I broke my glasses when I sat on them.
6. Tim broke his silence after years of not speaking about the trauma.
7. The news broke about the scandal early this morning.
8. She broke down crying after hearing the bad news.
9. I finally broke the cycle of negative thinking.
10. My arm broke when I fell off my bike.
11. My phone broke when I dropped it.
12. The plates broke when they fell out of the cupboard.
13. Their spirits broke after months of captivity.
14. The criminal finally broke under police interrogation.
15. The news broke that the missing girl had been found alive.
16. The drought finally broke with heavy rain.
17. I broke out in a cold sweat during the exam.
18. The silence broke when someone started laughing.
19. The ice broke under his weight and he fell into the water.
20. I broke into a run to catch the bus.
21. The rules were broken many times during the competition.
22. She broke down the complex problem into smaller parts.
23. My mother broke the bad news to me gently.
24. Their relationship finally broke down after years of issues.
25. The code has been broken by the hackers.
26. They broke through the police barricades.
27. I broke my wrist while skiing.
28. The witness' story broke down under cross-examination.
29. The suspect finally broke and confessed.
30. The news finally broke about her disappearance.
31. I broke the stick in half over my knee.
32. The committee broke into factions after disagreement over the final decision.
33. He broke free from his restraints and escaped.
34. The dam finally broke under the pressure.
35. The storm broke all the tree branches.
36. The windows broke from the force of the explosion.
37. The stick broke under too much pressure.
38. There was a break in the cloud cover briefly letting sunlight through.
39. The golf club broke on impact.
40. The chain broke freeing the dog.
41. I had to break the news to him gently.
42. The criminal finally broke down and confessed.
43. The stick broke in two when I bent it.
44. The bride broke down in tears during the ceremony.
45. They broke camp and continued their journey.
46. His story broke down when confronted with evidence.
47. The starving refugees finally broke into the food storage.
48. The handle broke off the cup when I grabbed it.
49. I finally broke my losing streak and won a game.
50. The pencil lead broke when I pressed too hard.
51. The horse finally broke into a run after galloping.
52. The heel broke off my shoe.
53. I broke the piggy bank to get the money out.
54. The ropes finally broke freeing him.
55. Their friendship finally broke down beyond repair.
56. The spell had finally been broken.
57. His spirits broke after numerous failures.
58. The stick finally broke under the pressure.
59. I broke down and cried when I saw her hurt.
60. The spell finally broke and she was freed.
Common Phases
break the ice
break the news
break down
break out
break free
break into
break through
break away
break up
break apart
break in
break down
break open
break bad
Some examples:
The joke helped break the ice at the party.
I had to break the news of his passing to his family.
broke down crying after hearing the verdict.
broke out into the streets.
The horse
broke free from its stall.
The police
broke into the house during the raid.
The army
broke through enemy lines.
broke away from the group and went off on his own.
Their partnership
broke up after the argument.
The glass
broke apart on impact.
A burglar
broke in while they were gone.
The car
broke down on the side of the road.
The police
broke open the door to enter the house.
The boy showed signs he was starting to break bad at a young age.