Bugled example sentences

Related (2): bugle, bugler

"Bugled" Example Sentences

1. The elk bugled loudly in the forest.
2. As the sun began to set, the bugled calls of the wild geese filled the air.
3. The symphony bugled in the first act of the performance.
4. The soldier bugled the final notes of the trumpet call.
5. The elephant bugled loudly, signaling the herd to move on.
6. The conductor lifted his baton and the brass section bugled the opening notes.
7. The horse bugled in excitement as it galloped across the field.
8. The moose bugled, a deep and powerful sound that echoed through the mountains.
9. With a start, she sat up, startled by the bugled sound of the alarm clock.
10. The swan bugled, a gentle and elegant sound that carried over the lake.
11. The jazz band bugled a lively tune at the nightclub.
12. The reindeer bugled, signaling the start of the sled race.
13. The trumpet player bugled an impressive solo in the performance.
14. The lion bugled fiercely, warning off other predators from their territory.
15. The caller bugled out the names of the bingo numbers.
16. The elk bugled a challenge to its rival during mating season.
17. The hunter bugled elk calls in an effort to attract the animals.
18. The bugling of the court trumpets announced the arrival of the queen.
19. The marching band bugled a patriotic tune during the parade.
20. The male peacock bugled, displaying his colorful feathers to attract a mate.
21. The wolf bugled in the moonlight, a haunting sound that sent shivers down her spine.
22. The bugler bugled the last post in honor of the fallen soldiers.
23. The bull bugled as he charged at the matador in the ring.
24. The elephant bugled in delight as the zookeeper brought fresh fruits for him to enjoy.
25. The bugle corps bugled a stirring rendition of Taps at the funeral.
26. The trumpeter bugled a call to arms as the troops prepared for battle.
27. The elk bugled again, its haunting cry reverberating through the forest.
28. The bugle signaled the start of the race, and the horses bolted from the gates.
29. The orchestra bugled a triumphant fanfare as the conductor took his final bow.
30. The elk bugled one last time before disappearing into the woods, leaving nothing but silence in its wake.

Common Phases

1. The majestic elk bugled loudly in the crisp autumn air;
2. He bugled at passing cars from the front porch;
3. The scout leader demonstrated how to bugle during a camping trip;
4. The mounted police officer bugled to attract attention;
5. During mating season, the male deer bugle to attract a mate;
6. The bugling of the trumpets signaled the start of the ceremony;
7. The sound of bugling echoed through the forest during the hunt;
8. The skilled bugler played the haunting melody with ease;
9. The bugling of the geese filled the sky during migration;
10. The bugled notes of the bagpipes added solemnity to the funeral procession.

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