Bullshitted example sentences

Related (13): lied, fibbed, exaggerated, bluffed, deceived, conned, misled, tricked, hoodwinked, bamboozled, duped, snookered, hornswoggled

"Bullshitted" Example Sentences

1. He bullshitted his way through the interview.
2. She thought he was bullshitting when he said he could do it, but he proved her wrong.
3. They bullshitted each other all night at the party.
4. He was bullshitting about his credentials, but they didn't find out until it was too late.
5. She bullshitted her way out of getting a ticket from the police officer.
6. He knew he was being bullshitted, but he didn't have the heart to call her out on it.
7. The politician bullshitted his way through the debate, but the truth eventually came out.
8. She was tired of being bullshitted by her boss about the promotion she was promised.
9. He was caught bullshitting about his experience on his resume.
10. She bullshitted her way through the presentation, but no one was convinced.
11. He tried to bullshit the teacher about why he didn't do his homework, but she saw right through him.
12. She was nominated for the award because of all the bullshitting she did to make herself look good.
13. He bullshitted his way into getting a discount on the car.
14. The salesman was a pro at bullshitting his customers into buying unnecessary products.
15. She was confident in her ability to bullshit her way through any situation.
16. He finally admitted to bullshitting about his accomplishments to impress his friends.
17. She was called out for bullshitting on social media, and it hurt her reputation.
18. He bullshitted his way out of jury duty, but it ended up being a mistake.
19. She was surprised to find out her co-worker had been bullshitting about their experience.
20. He was known for bullshitting about his adventures, even though they were often exaggerated.
21. She could tell her date was bullshitting about his job, but she didn't want to ruin the evening.
22. He couldn't believe his boss was bullshitting about the company's profits.
23. She was proud of herself for bullshitting her way out of a difficult situation.
24. He bullshitted his way through the meeting, but he knew he couldn't keep it up forever.
25. She didn't care about bullshitting her way to the top, as long as she got there.
26. He was bullshitting himself about his addiction, until it finally caught up with him.
27. She was tired of bullshitting about her feelings, and decided to be honest with herself.
28. He was caught bullshitting about his military service, and it ruined his reputation.
29. She was impressed by his ability to bullshit his way out of a tight spot.
30. He was angry at his friend for bullshitting him about the concert tickets they were supposed to have.

Common Phases

1. He bullshitted his way through the conversation;
2. She knew he was bullshitting her when he gave that excuse;
3. The politician bullshitted the public with false promises;
4. I can't believe he actually bullshitted his way into that job;
5. The salesman was caught bullshitting when he couldn't answer a simple question.

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