Buntings example sentences

Related (6): sparrows, finches, cardinals, grosbeaks, towhees, juncos

"Buntings" Example Sentences

1. I saw a group of buntings at the park this morning.
2. The colorful buntings added a festive touch to the party.
3. The bunting family returned to the same nest each spring.
4. The bunting's melodious song filled the air.
5. The birdwatcher identified the bunting by its distinctive coloring.
6. I love to watch the buntings feeding at the bird feeder.
7. The American bunting is known for its unique mating dance.
8. The bunting's wings fluttered rapidly as it flew away.
9. The bunting population has declined due to loss of habitat.
10. The artist painted a beautiful picture of a bunting.
11. The bunting is a migratory bird that travels long distances.
12. The bunting's nest was carefully constructed with twigs and grass.
13. The bunting's call can be heard from far away.
14. The bunting is a popular subject for nature photographers.
15. The bunting's diet consists mainly of seeds and insects.
16. During the winter, some buntings change their plumage to blend in with the snow.
17. The children made colorful buntings to decorate the classroom.
18. The bunting's feathers were ruffled by the strong winds.
19. The European bunting is a common sight in rural areas.
20. The bunting's beak is adapted for cracking open seeds.
21. The bunting's chick hatched from the egg after two weeks.
22. I spotted a yellow bunting in the bushes near my house.
23. The bunting's flight was graceful and swift.
24. The bunting's breeding season typically lasts from April to June.
25. The bunting's territory is fiercely defended from intruders.
26. The mountain bunting is a specialized bird that lives in high altitude regions.
27. The bunting's song is used to attract a mate during the breeding season.
28. The bunting's eggs are a pale blue color and speckled with brown.
29. The birdwatchers were excited to spot a rare bunting species in the area.
30. Some buntings are considered pests due to their feeding habits in agricultural fields.

Common Phases

1. The bunting flags fluttered in the breeze; adding a festive touch to the party decorations.
2. We spent the afternoon stringing up the colorful buntings; it was a fun and creative activity.
3. The neighborhood was filled with patriotic buntings; everyone was getting ready for the Fourth of July.
4. The guests were delighted to see the personalized buntings; it made them feel special and welcomed.
5. The school auditorium was adorned with buntings of all colors and sizes; it looked magnificent for graduation day.
6. The team's victory deserved a celebration; so we put up buntings all around the locker room.
7. The children were amazed by the fairy buntings in their bedroom; they couldn't wait for bedtime.
8. The street parade was a sight to behold; with the colorful buntings and marching bands.
9. The beach party was a blast; the buntings added a touch of summer fun.
10. The vintage buntings gave our wedding reception an elegant and timeless feel; we loved the look.

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