Burgher example sentences

Related (5): citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burghermaster, burgherdom

"Burgher" Example Sentences

1. The burgher strolled through the market square.
2. The town remained prosperous as long as the local burghers continued to patronize the shops and businesses.
3. Their clothing marked them as burghers of the town.
4. The burghers enjoyed debating politics over mugs of ale at the local tavern.
5. The town council was made up of the leading burghers of the community.
6. As a wealthy burgher, he donated generously to charity.
7. The mayor was selected from among the most prominent and respected burghers.
8. The town relied on the taxes paid by the burghers to fund vital services.
9. The burghers prided themselves on maintaining law and order in the streets.
10. The burgher's wife enjoyed shopping for fineries in the merchants' shops.
11. The prosperous burghers built fine homes overlooking the center of town.
12. The local burghers valued tradition and rarely welcomed new ideas.
13. The annual festival was organized and sponsored by the burghers.
14. Many burghers had made their fortunes through trade and commerce.
15. The burghers were distrustful of outsiders and newcomers.
16. Curfew was strictly enforced by the town guard to keep troublemakers away from the burghers' doorsteps.
17. The burgher watched enviously as the noble's carriage rolled by.
18. The town constable answered to the burghers rather than any higher authority.
19. Taxes on imports and exports funded the comfortable lifestyle of the burghers.
20. Their prosperous burgher ancestors had helped build the church.
21. The burghers formed militias to defend the town from invaders and bandits.
22. The burghers resented having to pay tribute to the duke.
23. Many a wealthy burgher's daughter had dreamed of marrying a nobleman.
24. The town council was composed entirely of burghers.
25. The burghers maintained high walls around the town for protection.
26. The lavish burgher's feast brought bounty and cheer to the town square.
27. The society of burghers subscribed to conservative values of family and community.
28. The burghers were accustomed to certain privileges and standards of living.
29. The burgher guilds strictly regulated their respective trades.
30. Young apprentices hoped one day to become prosperous burghers themselves.
31. The burghers expected deference and respect from their social inferiors.
32. The burghers gathered in the town square to witness the beheading of the thief.
33. As a proud burgher of the township, he supported the local economy.
34. The burgher attended church regularly but did not live a pious life.
35. The burghers bore arms in defense of their town.
36. The burghers' wives gossiped over tea and pastries each afternoon.
37. The duke mocked the upstart burghers for their pretentions of nobility.
38. The burghers enjoyed the privileges and comforts their position afforded.
39. The burgher cast an appraising eye over the wares of the merchant peddlers.
40. The burghers opposed any change that might threaten their privileges.
41. Festivals and holidays were occasions for the burghers to exhibit their wealth and status.
42. The burghers' children attended the fine schools funded by their parents.
43. The burgher's generous endowment allowed for the expansion of the library.
44. Guild membership was a badge of honor among the town's burghers.
45. As a prominent burgher, he served on many charitable boards.
46. While the peasants worked the fields, the burghers tended to matters of trade and governance.
47. Gentility and good taste were prized virtues among the burgher class.
48. The burghers were known for their generous philanthropy.
49. The burgher militia stood ready at the town gates.
50. The burgher's wife sat at her spinning wheel dreaming of fineries.
51. Festive torches lit the town square on holidays for the celebration of burghers.
52. The burgher's grandson would carry on the family business tradition.
53. Wealth and property distinguished the burghers from the lower classes.
54. The burgher council rejected the revolutionary's inflammatory rhetoric.
55. As respected burghers, they were often called upon to arbitrate disputes.
56. The burghers enjoyed many privileges denied to those of lower status.
57. The town depended on the burghers for leadership and governance.
58. The burgher greeted his fellow guild members in the town square.
59. The tight-knit society of burghers valued family, tradition and community above all else.
60. The burghers formed a conservative element within the town society.

Common Phases

1. Upright burghers- used to describe law-abiding, respectable members of the middle-class.
2. Wealthy burghers - refers to burghers who have gained financial prosperity.
3. Proud burghers - used to describe burghers with a sense of civic pride and duty.
4. Prominent burghers - refers to burghers who hold high social status within their community.
5. Leading burghers - describes burghers who occupy positions of authority and influence.
6. Respectable burghers - refers to burghers who behave properly and follow social norms.
7. Conservative burghers - used to describe burghers who are cautious of change and value tradition.
8. Pillar of the burgher community- refers to an influential burgher who supports civic institutions.
9. Burgher guilds - associations that regulated trades and professions among burghers.
10. Burgher militias - citizen armed forces formed by burghers to defend their towns.

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