Buttings example sentences

Related (4): - Ramming, thrusting, colliding, striking.

"Buttings" Example Sentences

1. The goats kept getting out of the pen due to their constant buttings against the fence.
2. The football players were penalized for their aggressive buttings during the game.
3. The ram's forceful buttings against the gate finally broke it open.
4. The puppy's playful buttings were endearing to its owner.
5. The rhinoceros' buttings against the tree were so loud it echoed through the jungle.
6. The wrestler's buttings against his opponent were getting more and more intense.
7. The bull's buttings against the bullfighter's cape were terrifyingly close.
8. The horse's buttings against the trailer caused some damage to the metal siding.
9. The construction workers had to reinforce the wall after the constant buttings from heavy machinery.
10. The kangaroo's buttings with its hind legs were a powerful self-defense mechanism.
11. The squirrel's buttings against the bird feeder made it spill seed all over the ground.
12. The toddler's buttings against the table caused a glass of water to spill all over the floor.
13. The woodpecker's buttings against the tree were so loud it woke up the nearby campers.
14. The rhinoceros beetle's buttings with its horns were impressive displays of strength.
15. The surly old ram's buttings against the other sheep prevented them from getting to the best grass.
16. The bull's buttings were the most thrilling part of the rodeo for some spectators.
17. The moose's buttings against the bushes alerted nearby hunters to its presence.
18. The skydiver's buttings against the wind caused his chute to spin out of control.
19. The waves' buttings against the shore left a trail of shells and seaweed.
20. The boy's buttings against the tree to climb higher were impressively athletic.
21. The goat's obnoxious buttings against the owner's leg led to a stern verbal reprimand.
22. The wind's buttings against the windows during the storm were unsettling.
23. The chimpanzee's buttings with its fists were serious displays of dominance.
24. The cat's buttings with its head against its owner's hand showed its affection.
25. The dog's buttings with its nose against its owner's leg were a plea for attention.
26. The football coach always discouraged his players from excessive buttings on the field.
27. The horse's buttings against the stable door woke up the owner in the middle of the night.
28. The goat's buttings against the rock formation caused a small landslide.
29. The elk's buttings against the tree resulted in a broken antler.
30. The gecko's buttings against the glass terrarium were surprisingly loud.

Common Phases

1. She wants to go out but I have to work late tonight;
2. I like ice cream but it always makes me feel sick;
3. He's really funny but he can be insensitive sometimes;
4. I want to travel the world but I'm afraid of flying;
5. She's a great athlete but she's struggling with an injury;
6. He's very intelligent but he lacks common sense;
7. I love going to concerts but they can be very loud;
8. She's a talented artist but she never feels satisfied with her work;
9. He's a great cook but he needs to work on his presentation;
10. I enjoy hiking but I don't like bugs.

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