Cadastre example sentences

Related (8): parcel, zoning, taxation, geodesy, geospatial, GIS, boundaries, deed

"Cadastre" Example Sentences

1. The cadastre of the property is quite complex.
2. We need to review the cadastre before we can make a decision.
3. The cadastre is an important part of the process.
4. The cadastre was updated last year.
5. The cadastre needs to be checked for accuracy.
6. The cadastre must be updated regularly.
7. The cadastre is an important document.
8. We need to review the cadastre to ensure accuracy.
9. The cadastre is used to determine property boundaries.
10. The cadastre is used to calculate taxes.
11. The cadastre must be kept up to date.
12. The cadastre is an essential part of the process.
13. We need to check the cadastre for accuracy.
14. The cadastre is a legal document.
15. The cadastre should be checked regularly.
16. The cadastre is used to calculate land values.
17. The cadastre is used to determine ownership.
18. The cadastre is used to determine land use.
19. The cadastre must be accurate and up to date.
20. The cadastre is an important record of property rights.
21. The cadastre is used to determine zoning regulations.
22. The cadastre must be kept up to date to ensure accuracy.
23. We need to review the cadastre to determine property boundaries.
24. The cadastre is used to determine the value of a property.
25. The cadastre is an important tool for land management.
26. The cadastre is an important record of land ownership.
27. The cadastre must be checked for accuracy before it can be used.
28. The cadastre is used to determine the boundaries of a property.
29. The cadastre is an important source of information about land ownership.
30. We need to check the cadastre to ensure that it is accurate and up to date.
31. The cadastre is used to calculate the taxes due on a property.
32. The cadastre must be kept up to date to ensure that it is accurate.
33. The cadastre is an important document for determining land ownership.
34. We need to review the cadastre to ensure that it is accurate and up to date.
35. The cadastre is used to determine the size and shape of a property.
36. The cadastre is an important tool for determining land use.
37. The cadastre must be checked for accuracy before it can be relied upon.
38. The cadastre is used to determine the value of land for taxation purposes.
39. We need to check the cadastre to ensure that it is up to date and accurate.
40. The cadastre is an important source of information about land use and ownership.

Common Phases

Creating a cadastre;Updating a cadastre;Maintaining a cadastre;Auditing a cadastre;Analyzing a cadastre;Reviewing a cadastre;Validating a cadastre;Visualizing a cadastre;Digitizing a cadastre.

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