Cadaverous example sentences

Related (13): emaciated, gaunt, haggard, skeletal, wan, pallid, sallow, ghostly, ghastly, thin, wasted, bony, scrawny

"Cadaverous" Example Sentences

1. The cadaverous man stumbled through the cemetery.
2. Her cadaverous frame seemed barely able to support itself.
3. His cadaverous face had a gaunt, haunted look about it.
4. The cadaverous figure approached slowly.
5. The prisoner emerged from his cell with a cadaverous appearance.
6. His cadaverous body looked frail and emaciated.
7. The cadaverous woman stared blankly at the wall.
8. The cadaverous features revealed a miserable existence.
9. The cadaverous remains were barely recognizable.
10. The cadaverous corpse lay in the coffin.
11. The emaciated, cadaverous figure shuffled down the street.
12. Her cadaverous complexion made her appear almost corpselike.
13. The cadaverous countenance sent a chill through him.
14. The bones of his cadaverous frame jutted out sharply.
15. The prisoner had taken on a cadaverous pallor.
16. Her cadaverous frame was shocking to behold.
17. His gaunt, cadaverous features were those of a haunted man.
18. The woman's cadaverous limbs looked as though they might snap.
19. The cadaverous boy shuffled along with his head hung low.
20. The corpse had taken on a cadaverous color.
21. The cadaverous remains showed signs of trauma.
22. Her face had a cadaverous hue.
23. The cadaverous hag approached the wagon.
24. His cadaverous appearance suggested dire lack of nutrition.
25. The cadaverous ghoul leered at them from the darkness.
26. The cadaverous ghost vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.
27. The cadaverous odor permeated the room.
28. Her cadaverous wasting away alarmed her family.
29. The sick woman's cadaverous condition left little hope of recovery.
30. The prisoner emerged from solitary confinement with a cadaverous form.
31. The cadaverous woman shuffling down the street shocked passersby.
32. He shrank away from her cadaverous touch.
33. The corpse had a cadaverous pallor.
34. The vampiric creature had a cadaverous countenance.
35. His cadaverous figure was barely recognizable as human.
36. The cadaverous man shuffled into the gloomy room.
37. The cadaverous remains shocked the investigators.
38. His cadaverous limbs seemed scarcely able to hold him upright.
39. The creature's cadaverous visage instilled terror in those who saw it.
40. The cadaverous figure roused itself and slowly turned toward them.
41. The cadaverous shell that had once been her husband.
42. The cadaverous man stared vacantly into space.
43. The cadaverous woman spoke in a rasping whisper.
44. The cadaverous odor signaled that death was near.
45. The cadaverous fugitive crept from shadow to shadow.
46. His cadaverous condition shocked the doctors.
47. The cadaverous creature shambled into view.
48. The cadaverous child shook with each wracking cough.
49. The cadaverous sinking of her cheeks revealed her starvation.
50. The cadaverous figure floated toward them.
51. The cadaverous woman muttered to herself incessantly.
52. The cadaverous shell that remained bore little resemblance to the man he had been.
53. The cadaverous wasting of her frame left her barely able to stand.
54. The cadaverous remains suggested a gruesome demise.
55. His cadaverous countenance bore the look of the damned.
56. The cadaverous pallor of her skin was alarming.
57. The cadaverous body lay slumped in the chair.
58. The cadaverous figure lurched toward them.
59. The cadaverous creature lunged at its prey.
60. His cadaverous visage chilled them to the bone.

Common Phases

• Of cadaverous proportions - Being extremely skinny and bony in a sickly way.
•Had a cadaverous countenance - Having a facial appearance like that of a corpse.
• With cadaverous pallor - With a very pale, ashen complexion like that of a corpse.
• Wasting away to a cadaverous frame - Becoming extremely emaciated and skinny in a sickly way.
• His cadaverous visage - His face that resembled that of a corpse due to his sickly state.
Cadaverous odor - The smell of decay, associated with death and dead bodies.
• Became cadaverous - Became extremely thin and sickly-looking like a corpse.
• His cadaverous condition - His physical state of being extremely emaciated and corpse-like.
•Her cadaverous limbs - Her arms and legs that had become very thin and bony in a sickly way.
• Ghastly cadaverous figure - A ghoulish, ghostly figure that is extremely thin and corpse-like.
•Barely clinging to her cadaverous frame - Just managing to remain alive though extremely emaciated.
So in summary, the word cadaverous describes someone or something that resembles a corpse, especially in reference to an extremely skinny, sickly and emaciated physical condition, pallor or appearance.

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