Cadge example sentences

Related (18): beg, solicit, mooch, scrounge, sponge, hustle, panhandle, borrow, bum, freeload, wheedle, coax, request, plead, entreat, importune, appeal, beseech

"Cadge" Example Sentences

1. The beggar tried to cadge some change from passersby.
2. I tried to cadge a ride with a friend to the concert.
3. The kids were always trying to cadge candy from their grandmother.
4. The homeless man tried to cadge some money for food.
5. Students were always trying to cadge free food from the cafeteria.
6. Don't cadge cigarettes off your friends, buy your own.
7. She tried to cadge free drinks all night at the bar.
8. He was always trying to cadge free meals from his coworkers.
9. Teenagers would cadge money from their parents for more clothes.
10. Colleagues would cadge lunch from each other to avoid paying.
11. My friend tried to cadge a free ticket from me to the hockey game.
12. My brother was always trying to cadge food from the kitchen.
13. Colleagues would cadge stationary and ink from each other in the office.
14. Stray dogs would try to cadge leftover food scraps from diners at outdoor cafes.
15. Neighbors would cadge items like sugar and milk from each other.
16. Kids would cadge candy from strangers on Halloween.
17. People would cadge free beverages from the bartender.
18. The office worker tried to cadge free tickets from his manager.
19. The hitchhiker tried to cadge a ride with passing motorists.
20. Coworkers would cadge pens and post-it notes from each other.
21. Students would cadge exam answers from their more studious peers.
22. Travelers would try to cadge free upgrades at the hotel check-in desk.
23. The children tried to cadge extra dessert from their mother.
24. The freelancer tried to cadge more work from past clients.
25. Employees would cadge free samples from sales reps visiting the office.
26. Kids would cadge pocket money from their parents for candy and snacks.
27. Members would cadge free drinks from the bartender at the club.
28. The bum tried to cadge loose change from passersby on the street.
29. My friend tried to cadge concert tickets from me when I had extras.
30. Colleagues would cadge free coffee and snacks from the office kitchen.
31. The beggar tried to cadge money from customers entering the store.
32. Visitors would cadge free food and drinks from the caterers.
33. Teenagers would cadge stationery items like pens and highlighters from school.
34. My coworker tried to cadge free lunch and snacks from the break room every day.
35. Kids would cadge leftover food from their parent's plates at restaurants.
36. The new intern tried to cadge useful information from more senior colleagues.
37. The hitchhiker tried to cadge rides from passing motorists.
38. Neighbors would cadge extra vegetables and fruits from each other's gardens.
39. Children would cadge treats and snacks from their grandparents.
40. Dog walkers would try to cadge treats from owners for their own pets.
41. Beggars would try to cadge loose change from people near the ATM.
42. Students would cadge old textbooks from friends instead of buying new ones.
43. Travelers would cadge free upgrades at hotels due to minor complaints.
44. Freelancers would cadge extra work from former clients when business was slow.
45. The kids tried to cadge more pocket money from their parents for treats.
46. Neighbors would try to cadge items like sugar, milk and eggs from each other.
47. My coworker always tried to cadge extra food from the company pantry.
48. Friends would cadge rides from each other to save money on taxi fares.
49. Colleagues would try to cadge free lunches from their generous coworkers.
50. My brother would cadge leftover pizza and snacks from the fridge after parties.
51. Travelers would cadge free samples and amenities from hotel staff.
52. My friend tried to cadge a free ticket to the concert from me at the last minute.
53. My colleague tried to cadge free pens, highlighters and sticky notes from the office.
54. The homeless man tried to cadge spare change from passersby on the street.
55. Children would try to cadge sweets and treats from strangers at birthday parties.
56. Friends would cadge free drinks from bartenders who knew them.
57. People would cadge favors and small jobs from their acquaintances.
58. The beggar tried to cadge money from customers in line at the coffee shop.
59. Colleagues would cadge stationary, ink cartridges and sticky notes from each other.
60. The kid cadged $5 from his dad to spend at the candy store.

Common Phases

1. He was always cadging cigarettes from his friends.
2. She tried to cadge some money from her coworkers.
3. The beggars were cadging food and money from passerbys.
4. The cat tried to cadge some of my breakfast.
5. I had to cadge a ride from my neighbor to get to work.
6. The dog tried to cadge some scraps from the dinner table.
7. My friends always cadged snacks from me during movie nights.
8. The kids were cadging free candy from the store owner.
9. The homeless man tried to cadge some spare change from me.
10. The shop clerk tried to cadge a bite of my sandwich.
11. The moochers were cadging free drinks at the bar.
12. She cadged enough bus money to get home.
13. My brother tried to cadge free concert tickets off me.
14. They were cadging food from the potluck buffet.
15. The panhandler cadged a few dollars from passersby.
16. His friends always cadged beers off him when they came over.
17. I had to cadge some gas money from my parents to get home.
18. The stray cat tried to cadge some of the dog's food.
19. The tourists were cadging photos from the locals.
20. She cadged breakfast off her roommate before heading to class.
21. The mooches were cadging drinks all night at the bar.
22. He tried to cadge smokes from everyone he saw.
23. The graduates cadged change for the shuttle bus into town.
24. The panhandler cadged enough change for a hot meal.
25. The freeloader tried to cadge lodging for the night.
26. The kid cadged candy from every shop on the High street.
27. I had to cadge postage money from my brother to mail the letter.
28. The bum cadged some spare change from passersby.
29. The moochers were cadging snacks and drinks all night.
30. He cadged a ride off a stranger when his car broke down.
31. My roommates cadged laundry detergent from me all the time.
32. The bum tried to cadge some loose change.
33. The kids cadged some sweets from the shop keeper.
34. The lazy roommate tried to cadge food off me again.
35. The panhandlers were cadging money from tourists.
36. He cadged some noodles for lunch from a street vendor.
37. The girls cadged snacks from the corner store.
38. My friends often cadged free food samples from me.
39. The bum cadged some spare change from passerby.
40. The girls were cadging beauty products from their moms.
41. I had to cadge some money for the bus from my brother.
42. The stray tried to cadge some scraps from the table.
43. The mooches cadged beers all night at the bar.
44. The student tried to cadge some change for the bus.
45. My friends cadged takeaway coffees from the coffee shop.
46. The robber tried to cadge some cigarettes from the store owner.
47. The mooch tried to cadge a ride into town.
48. The kids cadged candy from every shop they passed.
49. He cadged free snacks and drinks from the hostess all night.
50. The freeloader tried to cadge a free meal from the restaurant staff.
51. The friend tried to cadge free tickets to the concert.
52. The bum cadged spare change from passersby.
53. The mooch tried to cadge money from his coworkers.
54. The stray cat tried to cadge some of the dog's food.
55. The kids cadged sweets from every shop on the High street.
56. The panhandler cadged some spare change from passersby.
57. The panhandlers were cadging money from tourists.
58. My roommates cadged toilet paper and laundry detergent from me.
59. The bum tried to cadge some spare change from me.
60. The mooch tried to cadge a hotel room for the night.

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