Cadger example sentences
Related (6): beggar, moocher, scrounger, freeloader, parasite, sponger
- noun form of cadge
verb BRITISH ENGLISH informal
cadge (verb) · cadges (third person present) · cadged (past tense) · cadged (past participle) · cadging (present participle)
- ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled):
- a padded wooden frame on which hooded hawks are carried to the field.
cadge, scrounge, beg, borrow, bum, sponge, scab, mooch, bludge"Cadger" Example Sentences
1. The old cadger was constantly begging for money.
2. The petty cadger tried to steal money from people's pockets as they walked by.
3. John had a reputation as a petty cadger and small time thief.
4. The children avoided the old cadger who hung around the park asking for spare change.
5. The annoying cadger hounded people on the street, begging persistently for any spare cash.
6. The local residents grew tired of the cadger hanging outside the supermarket begging customers for money.
7. Please stop pestering me, you annoying cadger!
8. The sly cadger tried to sneakily steal the wallet from the table.
9. Police moved the cadger along for persistently begging and harassing people on the high street.
10. The cadger approached everyone who got off the train, asking for money to buy food.
11. The scrawny cadger crouched in the alley, sifting through rubbish bins for scraps of food.
12. Don't be a cadger; earn your own money instead of begging from others!
13. The unpleasant cadger approached us outside the pub, hounding us for loose change.
14. The persistent cadger followed customers around the store, begging for handouts.
15. The whining cadger pleaded with passersby for spare change despite having a beer in his hand.
16. Please leave me alone, you annoying cadger!
17. The unsavory cadger was known for begging then spending the money on booze.
18. People were sick of the persistent cadger hanging around outside the shops, begging from customers.
19. The sneaky cadger tried to distract people while picking their pockets.
20. The dodgy cadger seemed untrustworthy; people suspected he would only spend donations on alcohol.
21. Policemen moved on the insistent cadger who was begging outside shops and cafes for change.
22. The irritating cadger hounded me on the street for money.
23. Residents wanted the persistent cadger moved off the street corner where he begged from people all day.
24. People avoided the sly cadger who was a persistent liar and petty thief.
25. The unpleasant cadger approached everyone in the cafe, begging for money.
26. The old man was well known as a habitual cadger in the neighborhood.
27. The annoying cadger hassled shoppers outside the supermarket, begging aggressively for donations.
28. Please stop pestering me - go away, you miserable cadger!
29. Police officers asked the annoying cadger to stop harassing people on the high street.
30. The irritating cadger hanging outside the pub grabbed customers, hassling them for cash.
31. Patrons grew tired of the annoying cadger begging outside the restaurant.
32. The cantankerous old cadger spat at people who refused to give him money.
33. The dodgy cadger scrounged for money to feed his drug and alcohol addictions.
34. The irritating cadger hounded me until I reluctantly gave him some change to get rid of him.
35. People suspected the habitual cadger spent any donations on booze or drugs rather than food.
36. The unpleasant cadger hassled me aggressively on the street until I gave him some change.
37. The sly cadger snatched purses when people weren't looking.
38. Police moved on the persistent cadger who hassled customers outside the shops.
39. The unsavory cadger spent all day hanging around outside pubs and cafes, begging from patrons.
40. People grew sick of the dodgy cadger who hung around outside shops persistently begging customers.
41. The unpleasant cadger hassled everyone who walked past, begging persistently for spare change.
42. Residents wanted the obnoxious cadger moved on from hanging around outside the supermarket.
43. The annoying cadger grabbed me on the street, hassling me for money.
44. The sly cadger tried to sneakily remove wallets from people's back pockets.
45. Police warned the irritating cadger to stop pestering shoppers or face arrest.
46. The whiny cadger complained he needed money for food despite being overweight and unkempt.
47. People grew tired of the dodgy cadger begging outside shops and cafes all day.
48. Go away you pestering cadger, and find an honest way to make a living!
49. The unpleasant cadger begged aggressively from people on the street until they gave him change.
50. Locals were fed up with the annoying cadger who hung around outside pubs and shops, hassling patrons for money.
51. Police moved the persistent cadger along for harassing people on the high street.
52. The irritating cadger hassled me until I gave him some change just to get rid of him.
53. The dodgy cadger begged for money but spent it on booze rather than food or shelter.
54. People grew tired of the persistent cadger begging outside shops and restaurants all day.
55. The irritating cadger grabbed me aggressively on the street, hounding me for cash.
56. The miserable cadger begged persistently outside shops, pestering customers for spare change.
57. People grew tired of the annoying cadger hanging around outside pubs and restaurants, hassling patrons for money.
58. The persistent cadger grabbed me on the street, hassling me until I reluctantly gave him some change.
59. Police moved on the annoying cadger who was persistently begging customers outside shops.
60. The sly cadger snatched an unattended wallet while people weren't looking.
Common Phases
1. The pauper glared at the cadger, refusing his charitable pleas.
2. The persistent cadger continued to pester the audience for money and sympathy.
3. The cadger went from house to house, begging for coins and food.
4. They chased the wily cadger out of town after he conned a number of townsfolk.
5. The smug cadger boasted of all the easy money he had conned from gullible citizens.
6. Scowling, the shopkeepers eyed the cadger warily, expecting him to steal something.
7. The weary audience grew tired of the cadger's constant demands and pleas for more.
8. Alms for the poor? inquired the cadger hopefully.
9. Got a spare coin, kind sir? asked the cadger.
10. The cadger approached the old man cautiously, ready to flee if recognized.
11. The police hauled in the well-known cadger for questioning about recent thefts.
12. The whole town breathed a sigh of relief once the bothersome cadger finally left.
13. The cadger rattled his tin cup, hoping to stir some sympathy from the cold-hearted crowd.
14. The cadger grew irate as one shopkeeper after another refused to give him money.
15. The helpless cadger begged door-to-door during the harsh winter months.
16. Get lost, you thieving cadger! shouted the angry shopkeeper.
17. The stern-faced townsfolk eyed the cadger suspiciously as he made his habitual rounds.
18. The sly cadger laughed at how easily he could fool unsuspecting victims.
19. At long last the long-suffering residents banished the annoying cadger from the village.
20. They watched sadly as the homeless cadger searched the trash bins for scraps of food.
21. Finally fed up, the crowd chased the persistent cadger out of the park.
22. The red-faced cadger cursed under his breath as yet another donation refused.
23. Furious merchants formed a mob to drive out the obnoxious cadger for good.
24. The familiar cadger awaited the little old lady, knowing she regularly left coins on her windowsill.
25. The weary cadger approached the upper-class suburb cautiously, hoping for some easy gains.
26. The regular cadger rang his bicycle bell on schedule, seeking coins from shopkeeper windows.
27. The toughs shook down the frail cadger, stealing the meager coins from his tin cup.
28. The cadger told sad tales of woe, hoping to touch hearts and extract donations.
29. Kindly citizens pitied the persistent cadger's poverty rather than judge his dubious morality.
30. The sneering townsfolk scolded the hapless cadger, telling him to get a proper job.
31. The cadger cringed as the guard approached, not wanting another night in the jail cell.
32. The miserable cadger shivered in the cold winter wind, hopeless for any charity that day.
33. The jeering boys threw rocks at the pitiful cadger as he limped down the hard street.
34. Locals ignored the familiar cadger, having heard his tale many times before.
35. The sullen cadger cursed his luck and misfortune that forced him into such a pitiful life.
36. The cadger hid away his small stash of coins, fearing they'd be stolen in the night.
37. Thievish cadger! shouted the angry shopper whose purse had just been snatched.
38. The veteran cadger knew just how to play on people's sympathies and coerce donations.
39. Even hardened residents felt pity for the sad cadger, though they gave him nothing.
40. The desperate cadger resorted to petty theft after weeks without a single donation.
41. Cautioning the cadger to stay away, the shopkeeper brandished a club threateningly.
42. The cadger hid behind a tree, waiting for his usual gullible victims to pass by.
43. Grumbling, the long-suffering townsfolk barricaded their doors against the bothersome cadger.
44. What kind of life, the old man wondered, had led the hapless cadger to such a desperate trade?
45. The charity workers tried to coax the unwitting cadger toward counseling and rehabilitation.
46. The suspicious cadger kept an eye out for interference from lawkeepers.
47. The cadger prayed for just one gullible soul to take pity on him that day.
48. The worn path attested to the cadger's habitual rounds through the town.
49. The bumbling cadger forgot his prepared story halfway through, giving himself away.
50. Get lost! several people shouted angrily at the intrusive cadger who wouldn't leave them alone.
51. The poor cadger wept at his lot in life, begging helplessly for any aid.
52. Shoo, cadger! the shopkeeper yelled, waving his broom threateningly.
53. Heartless cadger! shouted the angry citizen whose donation had just been squandered on drink.
54. The cadger darted away at the first sign the shopkeeper recognized him.
55. Several citizens banded together to drive the undignified cadger from their midst.
56. The wilderness hid the desperate cadger from society's judgmental gaze.
57. The pathetic cadger clutched his coin cup hopefully, praying for some small mercy that day.
58. The old cadger couldn't keep up with modern life and its narrow tolerances for poverty.
59. A kindly matron finally took pity on the unfortunate cadger, giving him some coin and bread.
60. The thin cadger peered hungrily in store windows, dreaming of the treats within.
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