Capitalizeew example sentences

Related (5): profits, assets, dividends, investments, stocks

"Capitalizeew" Example Sentences

1. I always make sure to capitalize the first letter of my sentences.
2. In programming, it's important to use the correct syntax and capitalize keywords.
3. When writing a formal letter, it is appropriate to capitalize titles such as Mr., Mrs., and Dr.
4. The company instructed their employees to always capitalize the name of their CEO.
5. During editing, I noticed I forgot to capitalize the name of a city in my article.
6. My teacher reminded me to capitalize the names of days of the week and months of the year.
7. I often forget to capitalize my own name when typing quickly on my phone.
8. In a title, it's common to capitalize important words such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
9. When creating a password, I like to use a combination of capitalized and lowercase letters.
10. The book cover caught my eye because the title was entirely capitalized.
11. I asked my friend to help me capitalize on a business opportunity.
12. The all-caps text made it seem like the person was yelling at me through the internet.
13. I can tell that my boss is angry with me based on his use of capitalized words in his email.
14. The newspaper headline capitalized on the public's fear of a potential crime wave.
15. My backpack was stolen, but luckily I was able to capitalize on my travel insurance policy.
16. The entrepreneur was able to capitalize on a popular trend and make a fortune selling fidget spinners.
17. When writing a research paper, it's important to properly capitalize the names of authors and titles of books or articles.
18. The actress successfully capitalized on her popularity by launching her own clothing line.
19. By investing in the right stocks, I hope to eventually capitalize on my savings and retire comfortably.
20. The local bakery decided to capitalize on the pumpkin spice craze by offering seasonal treats.
21. The politician's campaign team tried to capitalize on their opponent's scandal by running attack ads.
22. The retailer decided to capitalize on the Black Friday shopping frenzy by offering deep discounts on popular items.
23. It's considered bad form to capitalize every word in a sentence, unless it's a title or headline.
24. The project manager reminded the team to properly capitalize and format their project documents.
25. The website's design was not user-friendly because every word was capitalized, making it difficult to read.
26. The coach encouraged his team to capitalize on the opposing team's weaknesses during the game.
27. The dog grooming business decided to capitalize on their niche market by offering luxury services for high-end clients.
28. When using hashtags on social media, it's common to capitalize the first letter of each word to make it easier to read.
29. The artist hoped to capitalize on her popularity by releasing a new album and going on tour.
30. The author apologized for accidentally capitalizing a word in the middle of a sentence, causing it to stand out.

Common Phases

1. Happy Birthday;
2. I Love You;
3. Good Morning;
4. Congratulations;
5. Merry Christmas;
6. Happy New Year;
7. Thank You;
8. Have a Nice Day;
9. Get Well Soon;
10. Bon Appétit.

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