Capitulations example sentences

Related (9): Diplomacy, Concessions, Subservience, Surrender, Agreements, Treaties, Yielding, Obligations, Compromises

"Capitulations" Example Sentences

1. The company agreed to the terms of the capitulations.
2. The treaty included provisions for future capitulations.
3. The nation's leaders were criticized for their capitulations to foreign powers.
4. The king refused to grant any further capitulations to the rebels.
5. The negotiations fell apart due to disagreements over the capitulations.
6. The ambassador argued in favor of the capitulations requested by his country.
7. The capitulations were seen as a sign of weakness by some officials.
8. The government was accused of making too many capitulations to the opposition.
9. The trade agreement included several important capitulations for both parties.
10. The military was upset with the government's capitulations to the enemy.
11. The diplomats worked hard to negotiate favorable capitulations for their country.
12. The peace treaty included clauses that nullified previous capitulations.
13. The company's shareholders were pleased with the capitulations made by the board.
14. The politicians were criticized for their perceived capitulations to special interest groups.
15. The capitulations were seen as necessary for the country's economic growth.
16. The negotiations between the two nations were stalled due to disagreements over capitulations.
17. The military leaders were divided on the issue of capitulations to the enemy.
18. The new government was hesitant to make any capitulations to the former regime.
19. The trade union demanded several capitulations from the company.
20. The peace talks were productive, with both sides agreeing to make some capitulations.
21. The president's capitulations to foreign leaders were met with public disapproval.
22. The company refused to make any further capitulations to the unions.
23. The treaty was signed after lengthy negotiations over the capitulations.
24. The diplomat succeeded in securing favorable capitulations for his country.
25. The politicians were criticized for their perceived capitulations to the opposition party.
26. The military leaders were divided on the issue of making capitulations for the sake of peace.
27. The shareholders voted in favor of the capitulations proposed by the board.
28. The school board made several capitulations in response to parent protests.
29. The capitulations made by the company were seen as necessary to avoid bankruptcy.
30. The peace treaty included important capitulations from both sides.

Common Phases

1. The enemy demanded capitulations; the negotiations were tense.
2. The ruler refused to make any capitulations; the people were outraged.
3. The treaty included several capitulations; both sides benefited.
4. The defeated army had to accept harsh capitulations; it was a humiliating defeat.
5. The trade agreement included numerous capitulations; the country's economy improved.
6. The peace negotiations resulted in several capitulations; the war finally ended.
7. The government was criticized for making too many capitulations; it weakened their position.
8. The ambassador was able to negotiate favorable capitulations; it was a diplomatic victory.
9. The company had to make significant capitulations to secure the contract; it was a necessary compromise.
10. The negotiations were at a standstill until both sides agreed to make some capitulations.

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