Cardinal example sentences
Related (6): bird, number, direction, color, principle, ranking
"Cardinal" Example Sentences
1. The cardinal rule is to always wear a seatbelt while driving.2. The cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west.
3. The cardinal sin of lying causes many problems in relationships.
4. The cardinal number for five is 5.
5. The cardinal flower is a bright red hue that stands out in any garden.
6. The cardinal points to the bird feeder with its beak.
7. The cardinal feature of the new software is its ability to auto-save.
8. The cardinal hat perched atop his head identified him as a Catholic cardinal.
9. The cardinal sin in chess is to leave your king vulnerable to an attack.
10. The cardinal factor in the team's loss was their lack of defense.
11. The cardinal principle of diplomacy is to never burn bridges.
12. The cardinal sign of diabetes is unexplained weight loss.
13. The cardinal law of physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
14. The cardinal ingredient in a margarita is tequila.
15. The cardinal concept in calculus is the derivative.
16. The cardinal aspect of a successful business is customer satisfaction.
17. The cardinal virtue of courage is highly regarded in many cultures.
18. The cardinal error in the experiment was using an incorrect variable.
19. The cardinal direction of the rising sun indicates east.
20. The cardinal residue in the autopsy confirmed the cause of death.
21. The cardinal sin in cooking is to burn the food.
22. The cardinal name of the pope who succeeds Pope Francis is not yet known.
23. The cardinal number of a set is the number of its elements.
24. The cardinal importance of exercising regularly for good health cannot be overstated.
25. The cardinal wall of the castle protected the inhabitants from enemy attacks.
26. The cardinal characteristic of a good leader is selflessness.
27. The cardinal sin of texting while driving can be deadly.
28. The cardinal sign of an allergic reaction is swelling and hives.
29. The cardinal direction of where the sun sets is west.
30. The cardinal rules of etiquette dictate good manners in social situations.
Common Phases
1. Cardinal rules must be followed;2. The cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west;
3. The cardinal number of six is greater than five;
4. The cardinality of the set is ten;
5. The cardinal sin of pride is a deadly sin;
6. The cardinal bird is a beautiful red color.