Carouse example sentences

Related (10): celebrate, party, frolic, revel, binge, drink, indulge, riot, rave, carousing



carouse (verb) · carouses (third person present) · caroused (past tense) · caroused (past participle) · carousing (present participle)

  - drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way:

  - a noisy, lively drinking party:


binge, overindulge, revel, celebrate, feast, roister, frolic, romp, booze, party, rave, wassail, gathering, function, celebration, reunion, festivity, jamboree, reception, social, dance, ball, ceilidh, frolic, carousal, fete, hoedown, shower, bake, cookout, levee, corroboree, bashment, luau, simcha, bash, shindig, shindy, rave, blowout, disco, do, shebang, bop, hop, whoopee, thrash, beanfeast, beano, bunfight, jolly, hooley, crack, blast, wingding, kegger, rage, ding, rort, squash, squeeze, Carousel

"Carouse" Example Sentences

1. The revelers caroused late into the night.
2. The frat boys caroused and partied in their fraternity house all weekend.
3. The pirates caroused and drank rum day and night.
4. They spent the weekend carousing and drinking until the early hours of the morning.
5. The men caroused and made merry in the tavern.
6. The soldiers caroused after their victory in battle.
7. They caroused all night at the bar.
8. The men caroused at the inn for hours.
9. The young men caroused and joked loudly.
10. The actors caroused after their opening night performance.
11. The rowdy friends caroused around the bonfire.
12. The grad students caroused at the pub to celebrate the end of exams.
13. The debauched men caroused and partook of pleasures of the flesh.
14. The young souls caroused with gaiety and joy.
15. The friars caroused late into the night in violation of their vows.
16. The friends caroused long after the party was supposed to end.
17. The Vikings caroused and pillaged the village.
18. The rowdy men were carousing in the bar when the police arrived.
19. The band members caroused after their concert.
20. The drunken men caroused and bellowed obscene songs.
21. The teenagers caroused at their outdoor party.
22. The drunkards caroused noisily throughout the night.
23. The gang caroused their way through the city streets.
24. The students caroused on their spring break vacation.
25. The sailors caroused in every port they stopped.
26. The young men caroused and raised hell all weekend.
27. The boisterous group caroused far into the night.
28. The rowdy guests caroused at the wedding reception.
29. The workmen caroused after receiving their paychecks.
30. They caroused all night and missed their early morning classes.
31. The disreputable men caroused through the slums.
32. The unruly men caroused in the alley behind the pub.
33. The troublemakers caroused and raised a ruckus into the wee hours.
34. The patrons caroused and carried on at the bar after hours.
35. The ruffians caroused in the streets until dawn.
36. The children caroused and played noisily outside.
37. The roughnecks caroused in the saloon until closing time.
38. The bawdy guests caroused and indulged until dawn.
39. The prodigal sons caroused and spent their allowances foolishly.
40. The hedonists caroused and pursued pleasures to excess.
41. The debauchees caroused their way through vice and sin.
42. The layabouts caroused to drive away their boredom and troubles.
43. The reprobates caroused through every haunt of vice.
44. The rakehells caroused and pursued their dissolute vices.
45. The wastrels caroused and squandered their resources carelessly.
46. The rowdy group caroused and carried on late into the night.
47. The revelers caroused all weekend long in celebration.
48. The dissipated youths caroused through the disreputable parts of town.
49. The ne'er-do-wells caroused and caused much trouble for the police.
50. The wantons caroused in pursuit of pleasure.
51. The spendthrifts caroused and threw away their money foolishly.
52. The dissolute men caroused throughout the weekend.
53. The libertines caroused endlessly in pursuit of pleasure and vice.
54. The partiers caroused at the dance club until the early morning.
55. The carousers drank and danced into the wee hours.
56. The debauchees caroused themselves into oblivion.
57. The young blades caroused in the coffee shops and taverns.
58. The dipsomaniacs caroused without restraint.
59. The ne'er-do-wells caroused through yet another night of excess.
60. The carousers drank themselves into a stupor.

Common Phases

1. The drunken sailors caroused noisily through the night.
2. The old bachelor spent his weekends carousing about town with his friends.
3. They caroused late into the night, drinking and partying.
4. The football players noisily caroused after their big win.
5. The revelers caroused through the streets during Mardi Gras.
6. We caroused through Oxford Street, shopping until we dropped.
7. The group of fraternity brothers rowdily caroused through the neighborhood after initiation.
8. The young men liked nothing better than to carouse in the local pubs on weekends.
9. His friends tried to persuade him to join them as they caroused from bar to bar.
10. We spent the evening carousing in pubs and bars along the river.
11. The tourists caroused their way across Europe, staying up all night partying.
12. The band members were known for carousing until dawn after their concerts.
13. They had been carousing all day at the county fair and were quite inebriated.
14. After graduation, the students caroused all weekend long to celebrate.
15. We caroused as if there was no tomorrow, ignorant of the troubles ahead.
16. The gang of retired gentlemen loved to carouse at the local pub daily.
17. Victor wanted nothing more than to carouse with his friends that weekend.
18. The party guests began carousing as soon as the bartender supplied the drinks.
19. The youths rowdily caroused through the village, disturbing the townspeople.
20. The soldiers caroused in the bars near their base each night after duty.
21. The students caroused through the night to celebrate the end of exams.
22. The carousers noisily made their way through the streets that Hallowe'en night.
23. I declined their invitation to join them as they caroused through town that night.
24. The women avoided the loud, unruly men who caroused at that particular pub.
25. The participants in the motorcycle rally spent the weekend carousing in that small town.
26. The alcohol fueled students' desire to carouse wildly through the night.
27. The teenagers slyly caroused in the dark alleyways to avoid detection by police.
28. The joyous revelers intended to carouse until dawn on New Year's Eve.
29. The roughnecks working the oil rig liked nothing better than to carouse in town when they got their paychecks.
30. The group of young people were known for carousing late into the night on weekends.
31. I declined their invitation to join them as they planned to carouse through the streets that night.
32. The news that their hard work had paid off spurred the workers to carouse riotously that evening.
33. The group of friends planned to carouse in the French Quarter during Mardi Gras weekend.
34. The crew of pirates spent the evening carousing noisily in the tavern by the dock.
35. I disapproved of my nephew's desire to carouse all night with his friends.
36. The gang of young troublemakers liked nothing better than to carouse through the town at night, causing as much mayhem as possible.
37. After he left the army, he spent his weekends carousing through town with his old army buddies.
38. The revelers intended to carouse wildly on New Year's Eve.
39. The gang of rowdy teenagers hoped to carouse through the neighborhoods that Halloween.
40. The fraternity brothers spent the entire weekend carousing after exams ended.
41. Spring break meant an opportunity for students to carouse day and night for a whole week.
42. College students often spent weekends carousing through the local bars and pubs.
43. The soldiers caroused wildly in celebration of being granted leave.
44. I don't approve of their desire to carouse rowdily through town tonight.
45. The young men liked to carouse through the downtown streets on weekend nights.
46. The gang of pranksters planned to carouse through the neighborhood and pull Halloween pranks.
47. My uncle always warned my father not to carouse so much during his youth.
48. The teenagers intended to carouse noisily through town that Halloween night.
49. I knew better than to join my friends as they planned to carouse throughout the city that night.
50. The sports fans planned to carouse noisily through town after the big game.
51. The group of mischievous boys planned to carouse wildly through the neighborhood.
52. The sailors were known for carousing noisily through the port towns when they went ashore.
53. The group of troublesome youths liked nothing better than to carouse through town at night, disturbing the peace.
54. My nephew's desire to carouse with his friends concerned me.
55. The rebellious teenagers intended to carouse wildly throughout the town on Halloween night.
56. The gang of youths hoped to carouse through the town on Guy Fawkes night.
57. The revelers planned to carouse noisily through the streets during Mardi Gras weekend.
58. The young men enjoyed carousing in the local pubs on weekend nights.
59. The gang of rowdy youths intended to carouse through the town, pulling pranks that Halloween.
60. The drunken men noisily caroused their way through the streets that night.

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