Carpetbagger example sentences

Related (9): scalawag, opportunistic, profiteer, outsider, interloper, adventurer, speculator, arriviste, newcomer.

"Carpetbagger" Example Sentences

1. The carpetbagger arrived in town, looking for new business opportunities.
2. The infamous carpetbagger of the south made a fortune during the Reconstruction era.
3. The carpetbagger was immediately identified by the locals due to his strange accent.
4. Ever since the carpetbagger entered office, the community has been in turmoil.
5. The carpetbagger politician promised much but delivered little.
6. The carpetbagger's greed knew no bounds.
7. The carpetbagger's presence in the town hall was met with protests.
8. The carpetbagger's schemes were eventually uncovered and criticized by the media.
9. The carpetbagger made use of his connections to gain political power.
10. The locals resented the carpetbagger's attempts to interfere in their way of life.
11. The carpetbagger's indifferent attitude towards the community only heightened their distrust.
12. The carpetbagger quickly amassed wealth by exploiting the region's resources.
13. The carpetbagger's lavish lifestyle was a stark contrast to the poverty of the locals.
14. The carpetbagger's arrogance and entitlement were off-putting to many.
15. The carpetbagger's attempts to divide and conquer the community failed miserably.
16. The carpetbagger's unethical practices were exposed by a brave whistleblower.
17. The carpetbagger's end came swiftly when the people caught up to his lies.
18. The carpetbagger's reputation was irreparably damaged by his selfish actions.
19. The carpetbagger's expulsion from the community was met with celebrations.
20. The carpetbagger's legacy remains a cautionary tale of greed and corruption.
21. The carpetbagger's imprint on the region can still be seen to this day.
22. The carpetbagger's short-sightedness led to long-term consequences for the community.
23. The carpetbagger's shady dealings eventually caught up to him.
24. The carpetbagger's arrival was met with suspicion and fear.
25. The carpetbagger's true motive was disguised behind a facade of benevolence.
26. The carpetbagger's schemes were met with resistance from the locals.
27. The carpetbagger capitalized on the chaos and confusion of the post-war era.
28. The carpetbagger profited greatly from the region's economic instability.
29. The carpetbagger's downfall was a result of his own hubris.
30. The carpetbagger's legacy was tarnished by his brazen disregard for the community's needs.

Common Phases

1. The politician was accused of being a carpetbagger; he only moved to the state to further his career.
2. The community saw the CEO as a carpetbagger; he only cared about profits and didn't have any ties to the area.
3. Many southerners saw the northerners who came to the south for economic opportunities as carpetbaggers.
4. The new restaurant in town was accused of being a carpetbagger; it didn't serve any of the local cuisine and didn't hire any local staff.
5. After the hurricane hit, many carpetbaggers moved into the area to take advantage of the rebuilding boom.

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