Caruncles example sentences

Related (4): Caruncles, warts, bumps, nodules.

"Caruncles" Example Sentences

1. The male turkey is distinguished by the caruncles on its head and neck.
2. The bright red caruncles on the rooster's head attract females during mating season.
3. The caruncles on the vulture's head give it a bald appearance.
4. The colorful caruncles on the wattled crane's neck can inflate during courtship displays.
5. The caruncles on the cassowary's head and neck serve as protection during fights.
6. The large fleshy caruncles on the shoebill's bill make it a unique-looking bird.
7. The male emu has blue caruncles on its neck during breeding season.
8. The small caruncles on the comb duck's beak are sexually dimorphic.
9. The ornamental caruncles on the male helmeted guineafowl serve as signals of virility.
10. The caruncles on the wrinkled hornbill's throat can expand during calls.
11. The male ocellated turkey has colorful caruncles on its head and neck.
12. The caruncles on a bald eagle's beak help it grip and tear food.
13. The wattled jacana has small caruncles on its forehead and around its eyes.
14. The caruncles on the mute swan's beak are used for feeding and preening.
15. The horned screamer has large, fleshy caruncles on its bill and forehead.
16. The bare-faced curassow has a distinctive blue caruncle above its beak.
17. The caruncles on the king vulture's head are bright orange and pink.
18. The male peafowl has iridescent caruncles on its neck during courtship displays.
19. The double-wattled cassowary has two distinct caruncles on its neck.
20. The caruncles on the southern screamer's throat can vibrate during vocalizations.
21. The male greater prairie-chicken has bright red caruncles over its eyes.
22. The caruncles on the blue-faced honeyeater's bill are used to feed on nectar.
23. The male ruff has inflatable caruncles on its neck during courtship displays.
24. The caruncles on the African jacana's forehead can vary in color.
25. The turkey vulture has small caruncles on its head and neck.
26. The male Himalayan monal has iridescent caruncles on its head and neck.
27. The black swan has red caruncles on its beak and forehead.
28. The male paradise shelduck has a metallic green caruncle on its bill.
29. The caruncles on the Nicobar pigeon's beak are sexually dimorphic.
30. The male satin bowerbird has a bright purple caruncle above its eyes.

Common Phases

1. The caruncles on her face were more prominent than usual; they were swollen and red.
2. The bird's caruncles were brightly colored; they added to its beauty.
3. He had multiple caruncles on his hands and feet; they were small, but noticeable.
4. The doctor examined the patient's caruncles carefully; they were a sign of a rare disease.
5. The lizard's caruncles were hard to spot; they blended in with its scales.
6. Her caruncles were irritated and itchy; she needed to see a dermatologist.
7. The bullfrog's caruncles were impressive; they helped attract mating partners.
8. The painter used vibrant colors to highlight the caruncles of the fruit; it made the still life come to life.
9. The old man's caruncles were a source of embarrassment for him; he always kept his hands in his pockets.
10. The chicken's caruncles were a bit rough to the touch; they protected the sensitive skin underneath.

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