Cashcow example sentences

Related (5): profit, revenue, moneymaker, breadwinner, money-spinner

"Cashcow" Example Sentences

1. We need to identify our cashcow products in order to maximize profits.
2. Our company's cashcow is definitely the premium subscription package.
3. The marketing team is brainstorming ways to turn this new product into a cashcow.
4. Unfortunately, the anticipated cashcow for this quarter fell short of projections.
5. This restaurant's signature dish is such a cashcow that they can afford to offer it at a discount.
6. The CEO is hoping this new venture will become a cashcow for the company.
7. The mobile game app turned out to be a cashcow, generating millions in revenue.
8. It's important for businesses to diversify their revenue streams beyond a single cashcow.
9. Even though the product is considered a cashcow, the company still invests in research and development to improve it.
10. The stock price of this company is heavily influenced by the success of its cashcow products.
11. The company's financials are heavily reliant on their cashcow, making it a risky investment.
12. This new product launch needs to be a success in order to replace the current cashcow that is approaching maturity.
13. The company's culture revolves around protecting its cashcow products from competitors.
14. The success of this company's cashcow products has allowed them to expand into other markets.
15. The marketing team's goal is to create a new cashcow that can eventually replace the current one.
16. The new CEO is focused on finding new cashcow opportunities for the company.
17. The restaurant chain's new cashcow is their breakfast menu, which has seen a surge in popularity.
18. The company's website is designed to prominently feature their top cashcow products.
19. The sales team is under pressure to keep up the momentum of their cashcow products.
20. The company's research department is tasked with finding ways to extend the lifecycle of their cashcow products.
21. The CEO announced that the company is in the process of divesting from their non-cashcow businesses.
22. The company's investors are concerned about new competitors emerging in the space of their cashcow products.
23. In order to keep their cashcow product competitive, the company invested heavily in advertising.
24. The CEO's decision to merge with a company offering complementary cashcow products was controversial.
25. The company's cashcow product can be vulnerable to seasonal changes and economic downturns.
26. The marketing team presented new data showing that their cashcow product is losing market share.
27. The company's cashcow product is facing increased regulatory scrutiny from government agencies.
28. The success of the company's cashcow product can sometimes overshadow other areas of innovation.
29. The company needs to be careful not to over-rely on their cashcow product and neglect other areas of the business.
30. The CEO's decision to launch a new, unrelated product line was met with skepticism from investors who preferred to stick to the proven cashcow products.
31. The company's current cashcow product has a loyal customer base that can be difficult to penetrate.
32. The marketing team conducted a survey to find out what demographic is most attracted to their cashcow product.
33. The company's financial projections heavily factor in the potential success of their cashcow product.
34. The company is considering selling off some non-core businesses in order to focus solely on their cashcow product.
35. The success of the company's cashcow product has given them more leverage in negotiating with suppliers and partners.
36. The company's cashcow product has brought in substantial profits that have allowed them to give back to the community through charitable donations.
37. The CEO recently published a book detailing the strategy behind the company's cashcow product.
38. The company's cashcow product was initially a result of a lucky break, but has since been strategically managed to maintain its success.
39. The company's investors are pressuring the management to come up with a backup cashcow product in case the current one declines.
40. The company's analysts predict that their cashcow product will eventually reach a saturation point and they will need to find new sources of revenue.

Common Phases

The "cashcow" phase is often used in business to describe a product or service that generates a lot of revenue over a long period of time; many companies strive to have a cashcow in their portfolio to ensure stable profits; the term cashcow is also used in financial analysis to assess the profitability and sustainability of a company's products or services; some experts argue that companies should focus on developing new cashcow products rather than investing too much in existing cashcows to keep their business growing; a company's cashcow can become vulnerable to competition and decline in demand if it is not regularly updated or marketed effectively.

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