Catcalls example sentences

Related (6): whistle, jeer, hoot, boo, mock, taunt

"Catcalls" Example Sentences

1. The cheerleaders ignored the catcalls from the bleachers.
2. As she walked down the street, she tried to block out the rude catcalls from the construction workers.
3. The rude comments and catcalls followed her all the way home.
4. The actresses had to tune out the lewd catcalls from the audience.
5. The player was used to hearing catcalls whenever he stepped on the field.
6. The fashion models strutted down the runway amid catcalls and whistles from the audience.
7. The raucous crowd greeted the referee with jeers and catcalls.
8. The political speaker attempted to press on with her speech despite the catcalls from the opposition party members.
9. The police arrested the drunk men who were causing a disturbance by shouting catcalls at passersby.
10. The woman walked briskly down the street, ignoring the catcalls from the group of young men loitering outside the store.
11. The performers faced the barrage of catcalls and insults with grace and professionalism.
12. The audience's rude catcalls and boos quickly irritated the comedians on stage.
13. The instructor struggled to be heard over the disorderly mix of catcalls, whistles, and laughter in the lecture hall.
14. Her entrance was met with whistles, catcalls and cheers from the audience.
15. The celebrity was used to being greeted by adoring fans and crude catcalls wherever she went in public.
16. The new recruit had to endure weeks of relentless hazing and demeaning catcalls from the veteran members.
17. She tried to block out the lewd suggestions and catcalls from the construction workers across the street.
18. The opposing team's players showered the referee with insults and catcalls to try and rattle his composure.
19. He ignored the rude comments and catcalls, keeping focused on his intent to spark change.
20. The audience's vicious jeers and catcalls forced the speaker to abruptly end her speech.
21. The judge sternly warned the audience against further disruptive outbursts and catcalls during the court proceeding.
22. The evening's entertainment was frequently interrupted by the rude audience's indignant shouts and catcalls.
23. Noisy catcalls and stomping filled the hall as the students protested the new rules.
24. The a cappella group performed admirably despite the rude catcalls from the rowdy audience members.
25. When the unpopular candidate took the stage, the audience greeted him with jeers, boos and catcalls.
26. The local entertainers tried to perform their acts despite the cacophony of insults, whistles and catcalls.
27. As the villain entered the room, he was met by a seething chorus of hisses, boos and catcalls from the audience.
28. The band attempted to drown out the discordant catcalls with their uplifting music.
29. The professor drowned out the disruptive catcalls and continued the lecture.
30. The performers did their best to carry on despite the constant barrage of heckles and catcalls.
31. The athletes tried to concentrate on the game despite the raucous crowd's unrelenting jeers and catcalls.
32. The politician tuned out the unseemly shouts and catcalls and continued laying out his plans and policies.
33. The rude catcalls and comments quickly died off as the speaker began eloquently conveying her powerful message.
34. Faced with the jeering and catcalls, the performers kept their composure and finished the show.
35. The speaker's speech was frequently interrupted by disruptive catcalls and boos from the opposition party.
36. The referee attempted to regain control of the match amidst the unrelenting insults and catcalls flying from the crowd.
37. The new recruit was hazed mercilessly with months of cruel jokes, insults and catcalls.
38. The pervasive hostility and catcalls only served to strengthen her resolve.
39. The strangers' crude comments and catcalls only further emboldened her to walk with pride and confidence.
40. The rude taunts and catcalls wore down her confidence and joy.
41. The rude audience greeted the performs with insults, whistles, stamping feet and catcalls.
42. The obnoxious catcalls followed her all the way home, ruining what had otherwise been a pleasant walk.
43. She walked with her head held high, ignoring the rude men's lewd suggestions and catcalls.
44. Drunk and disorderly patrons were ejected from the bar for catcalling other customers.
45. Performers had to pause multiple times due to the persistent catcalls and boos during the show.
46. The taciturn woman did not respond to or acknowledge the occasional catcalls she received on the street.
47. The politician maintained her composure despite the constant disruptive jeers, shouts and catcalls.
48. Shouts, taunts and catcalls filled the air during the heated sports rivalry match.
49. He marched on despite the constant insults, rude gestures and catcalls from his detractors.
50. The hecklers continued their disruptive catcalls, determined to derail the speaker's presentation.
51. The athletes blocked out the rude fans' jeers and catcalls to focus on the game.
52. The catcalls and rude comments only served to strengthen her resolve.
53. The mean-spirited taunts and catcalls gave way to admiration and respect as her message resonated.
54. The hecklers' rude catcalls quickly turned to cheers as the performer's jokes landed.
55. The group of rude men were kicked out of the restaurant for harassing other customers with catcalls and vulgar comments.
56. The rude comments and catcalls ruined what would have otherwise been a pleasant shopping trip.
57. She discovered that ignoring the catcalls and rude comments was the most effective strategy.
58. The obnoxious audience's rude catcalls and interruptions made the performance nearly unbearable.
59. The catcalls and shouts died down as soon as the inspired speaker took the stage and began delivering her impassioned speech.
60. The entertainers remained composed despite the obnoxious audience's rude laughter, whistles and catcalls.

Common Phases

1. Tune out the catcalls
To ignore rude or disruptive remarks.
2. Block out the catcalls
To ignore or disregard insulting shouts and jeers.
3. Ignore the catcalls
To pay no attention to rude or insulting remarks.
4. Drown out the catcalls
To make disruptive shouts indistinct by making another sound that is louder.
5. Rise above the catcalls
To act in a composed manner that is not affected by rude remarks.
6.Shrug off the catcalls
To dismiss or pay little attention to insulting or disparaging comments.
7. Shut out the catcalls
To exclude disruptive shouting or jeering from one's perception or awareness.
8. Faced with catcalls
When confronted with rude shouts of disapproval or insult.

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