Catfished example sentences

Related (9): deceived, fooled, tricked, manipulated, misled, duped, impersonated, fabricated, hoodwinked

"Catfished" Example Sentences

1. I just found out that the person I've been chatting with for months online was actually a catfished profile.
2. She was devastated when she found out her online boyfriend had catfished her and was actually a married man.
3. I am afraid to join online dating sites because I don't want to be catfished.
4. The TV show "Catfish" is all about exposing people who have catfished others online.
5. He catfished his ex-girlfriend to get back at her for breaking up with him.
6. The woman was shocked to find out that the handsome man she had been messaging was actually a catfished profile.
7. The police were able to track down the person who had catfished several people online for money.
8. My friend's sister got catfished by a famous celebrity, or at least, someone pretending to be one.
9. I always do my research before meeting someone from an online dating site to avoid getting catfished.
10. He admitted to me that he had once catfished a girl because he was too shy to talk to her in person.
11. Her parents were worried that she had been catfished when she told them about her new online boyfriend.
12. The media often reports on cases of catfishing and its consequences.
13. She had a feeling that the man she was talking to online was catfishing her, but chose to ignore the red flags.
14. A man who was catfishing women online was finally caught after one of his victims recognized him in public.
15. I can't believe she still hasn't realized that the guy she's been talking to for two years is catfishing her.
16. The boy with whom she had been flirting online for months turned out to be a catfish.
17. After being catfished twice, she decided to stop using online dating sites altogether.
18. The woman realized she had been catfished when the man she met in person looked nothing like his online photos.
19. He catfished his boss to get a promotion by pretending to be someone who was interested in the same hobbies as him.
20. The catfished victim felt embarrassed and humiliated when she found out the truth about her online relationship.
21. The man who had catfished her claimed he did it because he wanted to be loved for who he was, not his looks.
22. He was able to catfish her for months because he used photos of his handsome friend instead of his own.
23. The police issued a warning about the dangers of catfishing after a number of people reported being scammed.
24. She regretted being catfished by her ex-boyfriend and wished she had never given him a second chance.
25. After realizing she had been catfished, she deleted all her social media accounts and went offline for a while.
26. The man who had catfished her deleted his profile and disappeared when she threatened to report him to the authorities.
27. She never expected to be catfished by her own sister, who pretended to be someone else online just to spy on her.
28. He felt guilty about catfishing his girlfriend, who suffered from anxiety and relied on him for emotional support.
29. She learned from her mistake and was determined to never be catfished again.
30. The catfished victim finally moved on and found someone who loved her for who she truly was.

Common Phases

1. I can't believe I got catfished again;
2. He was totally catfished by that fake profile;
3. I feel so embarrassed to admit that I was catfished;
4. She's been catfished multiple times and still doesn't learn;
5. We need to be careful so we don't get catfished;
6. I'm pretty sure he's being catfished, but he refuses to believe it;
7. She spent months talking to him online only to realize she was catfished;
8. The catfishing epidemic needs to be addressed.

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