Cause example sentences

Related (10): reason, factor, determinant, influence, basis, source, stimulus, justification, ground, motive

"Cause" Example Sentences

1. The car accident was caused by slippery road conditions.
2. Smoking can cause lung cancer.
3. Lack of exercise can cause health problems.
4. Stress can cause headaches and high blood pressure.
5. Obesity can cause diabetes and heart disease.
6. Not getting enough sleep can cause fatigue and mood issues.
7. Poor diet can cause malnutrition.
8. Heavy drinking can cause liver damage.
9. Drug abuse can cause addiction and overdose.
10. Air pollution can cause respiratory illnesses.
11. I volunteered at the animal shelter to help a good cause.
12. She fought for a just cause all her life.
13. It's a worthy cause that deserves our support.
14. They donated money to the charity that supports homeless kids.
15. The hurricane caused massive damage and flooding.
16. The chemical spill caused an environmental disaster.
17. The earthquake caused injuries and loss of life.
18. The fire caused millions of dollars in property damage.
19. The explosion caused the building to collapse.
20. The blizzard caused power outages across the state.
21. The loud noise caused me to jump in fright.
22. The bad news caused me great sadness.
23. Her cruel words caused me deep hurt.
24. The delay caused us to miss our flight.
25. The rain caused the parade to be canceled.
26. The mistake caused major problems.
27. His rude behavior caused offense.
28. Her lateness caused inconvenience.
29. The traffic jam caused me to be late for work.
30. The computer crash caused me to lose all my work.
31. Things will never be the same again, she thought sadly, as she stared out at the ruins the disaster had caused.
32. He wanted to dedicate his life to a cause that would make the world a better place.
33. The government needs to take action to help those who have been hardest hit by the economic downturn.
34. Helping others less fortunate is a cause worthy of our time and effort.
35. Scientists are working to find a cure that will end suffering from this terrible disease.
36. Fighting for freedom and justice will always be a noble cause.
37. The homelessness issue in our city needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
38. Our environment is at risk and we must do more to protect it for future generations.
39. There must be a reason behind every effect, a cause behind every event.
40. Education unlocks the door to opportunity and should be available to all.
41. He donated a large sum of money to the cause of ending hunger.
42. She volunteers her time to help disadvantaged children because it's a worthy cause.
43. The accident caused traffic chaos on the highway.
44. His lies caused irreparable damage to their relationship.
45. The flooding caused by the hurricane left thousands homeless.
46. Wildfires caused by lightning strikes burned hundreds of acres of forest.
47. The scientists were hoping their experiments would provide clues that would help them find a cure for Alzheimer's.
48. Peace and equality have always been worthy causes for which to fight.
49. Researchers are tirelessly working to discover the cause of this mysterious new illness.
50. Helping victims of natural disasters is an important humanitarian cause.
51. They worked hard to raise money for a good cause.
52. The protests caused the government to take notice.
53. The virus caused a global pandemic.
54. She fought for social justice and women's rights.
55. Politics often divide people rather than unite them around common causes.
56. Finding a cure for disease will always be an important cause.
57. Their differences eventually caused them to grow apart.
58. Exposure to toxins can cause health issues.
59. Global warming may cause rising sea levels.
60. Bad weather caused flight delays.

Common Phases

1. Break a leg - Wish someone good luck in a performance
2. Cause a scene - Behave in an embarrassing way that attracts attention
3. Chain of events - A series of things happening one after another
4. Make waves - Do something to create problems or complaints
5. Lost cause - Someone or something that you cannot help or change
6. For good cause - For an important and morally justifiable reason
7. Dominoes effect - When a series of linked events or developments unfold
8. Cause and effect - The relationship between an event/action and its outcome
9. All for one and one for all - Group members standing together for a shared purpose
10. Never say die - Refusing to give up despite difficulties
11. Rise to the occasion - Performing well under pressure
12. Tickled pink - Delighted or very pleased
13. Bite off more than you can chew - Take on too much
14. Hit the nail on the head - Saying or doing exactly the right thing
15. Once in a blue moon - Very rarely
16. Common cause - Shared purpose or goal
17. Step in the right direction - An improvement or positive development
18. Piece of cake - Something very easy to do
19. Feather in your cap - Something that brings you honor
20. Turn over a new leaf - Change one's behavior for the better

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