Cavilling example sentences
Related (9): nitpicking, faultfinding, criticizing, complaining, carping, quibbling, grumbling, disputing, objecting
"Cavilling" Example Sentences
1. Stop your endless cavilling and whining.
2. His petty cavilling started to annoy everyone.
3. I grew tired of his constant cavilling over minor details.
4. The reviewer's tendency to cavil hampered his ability to appreciate the artwork.
5. The critic's only goal seemed to be cavilling at every element of the performance.
6. Their cavilling over trivial issues slows down the entire production process.
7. I refused to engage in his cavilling any further.
8. Stop your pointless cavilling and just state your concerns clearly.
9. Her ceaseless cavilling put a damper on what should have been an enjoyable event.
10. They spent hours cavilling at the smallest imperfections in the design proposals.
11. His endless nitpicking and cavilling derailed the entire conversation.
12. I would not indulge his petty desires to cavil and complain.
13. The board grew weary of the constant cavilling done by one dissenting member.
14. His obsessive cavilling ruined any chance of constructive criticism.
15. The reviewers' primary focus became to cavil rather than appreciate the work.
16. I quickly grew tired of her constant cavilling and made my excuses to leave.
17. Their persistent cavilling prevented real problems from being addressed.
18. Her tendency to cavil at every little thing was a constant source of annoyance.
19. Stop with the petty cavilling and let's focus our energy on real solutions.
20. An effective critic should provide constructive feedback, not just cavil endlessly.
21. I refused to indulge his constant desires to cavil over minor details.
22. Their endless cavilling about petty issues detracted from more serious concerns.
23. I advised him to stop his constant cavilling and simply make a clear suggestion.
24. His cavilling at every aspect of the proposal prevented him from seeing its merit.
25. Their entire discussion devolved into nitpicking and cavilling at small points.
26. The reviewer should examine the work as a whole instead of just cavilling pointlessly.
27. The head chef quickly grew tired of the server's constant cavilling and complaints.
28. The committee refused to indulge the member's desire for endless cavilling.
29. Stop your petty cavilling and make a legitimate suggestion for improvement.
30. His constant focus on unimportant details rendered his criticism useless cavilling.
31. His insistence on cavilling at small details completely missed the larger meaning.
32. Their discourse devolved from constructive criticism into pointless cavilling.
33. I grew weary of her endless tendency to cavil over irrelevant details.
34. His cavilling was a thinly veiled attempt to avoid real engagement with the ideas.
35. Their discussion had degraded from critique into endless nitpicking and cavilling.
36. The board refused to indulge his useless desires to cavil with petty criticisms.
37. Any constructive discussion was impossible over his endless cavilling and nitpicking.
38. His cavilling distracted from any actual attempt to improve or fix the problems.
39. The manager advised the employee to stop her pointless cavilling and whining.
40. Her cavilling at every detail prevented appreciation of the larger meaning or merit.
41. Their refusal to see past small issues rendered their entire cavilling pointless.
42. Their constant cavilling and desire for technical perfection wasted time and resources.
43. His cavilling focused on irrelevant details that had no bearing on the larger issues.
44. Her only goal seemed to be finding opportunities to cavil at any given point.
45. Stop your endless cavilling - make a suggestion that actually improves things.
46. Their cavilling distracted from constructive discussion of real issues and solutions.
47. Her ceaseless cavilling became so tiresome that I finally refused to listen anymore.
48. Their focus became finding petty details to cavil at rather than fixing real problems.
49. I grew weary of having to indulge his constant desires to cavil at irrelevant trifles.
50. Their obsessive desire to cavil at every small detail revealed their prejudices clearly.
51. Any attempt at constructive criticism was wasted in the face of their endless cavilling.
52. His cavilling was so relentless that it prevented any real progress or improvement.
53. Her cavilling at irrelevant details distracted from addressing more important concerns.
54. The critic's desire to cavil at petty details prevented him from appreciating the work.
55. Stop your petty cavilling - fix the actual issues instead of wasting time finding fault.
56. Their cavilling prevented focus on legitimate problems and suggested solutions.
57. His ceaseless nitpicking and cavilling was merely a thinly veiled desire to complain.
58. His cavilling at irrelevant details wasted time and diverted attention from real issues.
59. Her tendency to cavil at small details prevented her from seeing the larger purpose.
60. His cavilling focused on irrelevant imperfections and missed the larger merits of the work.
Common Phases
1. Stop your cavilling and agree with the proposal already.
2. The politician faced criticism and cavilling for his unclear stance on the issue.
3. His comments were met with immediate cavilling from the opposing side.
4. I tire of your constant cavilling and criticisms over minor details.
5. The manager grew angry at the employee's cavilling over every tiny aspect of the new policy.
6. The committee member's ceaseless cavilling was exhausting and counterproductive.
7. Critics accused the politician of cavilling and overly delaying the important legislation.
8. The parent grew frustrated with her child's endless cavilling over every small rule.
9. Stop cavilling and just agree to help me out this once.
10. The teacher had no patience for the student's constant cavilling and raised objections.
11. His cavilling nature made it hard for him to just agree to anything without finding flaws.
12. Her devious cavilling became annoying after a while.
13. Critics accused the book of pedantic cavilling over unimportant details.
14. Your self-righteous cavilling doesn't help improve anything.
15. Constant nitpicking and cavilling only breed frustration and discord.
16. Enough of your useless cavilling already; just sign the document!
17. I was tired of his perpetual cavilling and raised my voice in anger.
18. The proposal was met with much cavilling from opponents on both sides.
19. Your ceaseless cavilling is becoming counterproductive and rude.
20. The critic was known for his petty cavilling and negative nature.
21. After years of endless cavilling, he finally relented and agreed to the terms.
22. His nitpicking and cavilling only wasted everyone's time.
23. Stop airing you grievances and pointless cavilling - just help me carry the boxes!
24. The reviewer was known for his longwinded, overly critical cavilling.
25. They grew tired of his constant carping and cavilling over every small matter.
26. The politician's cavilling did little to actually improve or change the legislation.
27. Enough with the negativity and cavilling - just help me carry the groceries!
28. The audience was frustrated with the speaker's endless cavilling and petty complaints.
29. The committee member became infamous for his useless cavilling and delays.
30. After years of fruitless cavilling, he finally signed the agreement.
31. Their constant nitpicking and cavilling wasted so much time and effort.
32. The scientist faced much cavilling and criticism over his controversial theories.
33. I grew tired of her interminable cavilling and excessive carping.
34. His endless cavilling prevented any real progress from being made.
35. Stop dismissing my arguments with mere cavilling and actually engage them properly.
36. The board member became notorious for her constant cavilling against every proposal.
37. He spent hours raising cavilling objections over minor details in the contract.
38. His snide cavilling and nitpicking undermined the entire purpose of the discussion.
39. Their ceaseless cavilling prevented any positive change from occurring.
40. His cavilling nature made any attempt at cooperation impossible.
41. Their obdurate cavilling doomed the entire negotiation process.
42. Stop wasting time with useless cavilling and just agree to the plan!
43. These endless debates and cavilling over trifles accomplish nothing of substance.
44. His constant cavilling about policy details grated on the entire council.
45. The politician faced widespread criticism for his petty cavilling and delays.
46. Her endless cavilling and carping eventually wore down everyone's patience.
47. Stop waging semantic warfare and focus your cavilling energy on something useful.
48. The entire audience grew frustrated with the speaker's ceaseless cavilling and objections.
49. The motion faced endless cavilling and delays despite being reasonable and well-meaning.
50. We're tired of your futile cavilling - just agree to the proposal already!
51. The committee member became known for using cavilling as a tactic to delay any real action.
52. His ceaseless cavilling ruined any chance at a productive discussion.
53. The reviewer became infamous for his longwinded, overly critical cavilling.
54. Stop wasting time cavilling and just help me carry these boxes!
55. Their useless cavilling prevented any progress from being made on the project.
56. After years of fruitless cavilling, he finally signed the contract.
57. Your constant cavilling only breeds resentment and discord - keep it to yourself.
58. Their endless objections and cavilling became tiresome and annoying.
59. Enough with the nitpicking and cavilling - just agree to help already!
60. After hours of pointless cavilling, the meeting finally ended with no progress made.