Censorious example sentences
Related (9): critical, disapproving, fault-finding, judgmental, strict, condemning, hypercritical, carping, caviling.
"Censorious" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. Her censorious tone upset me.
2. I found his censorious attitude annoying.
3. The critic wrote a censorious review of the play.
4. The editor removed the most censorious parts of the letter to the editor.
5. Her censorious remarks made me feel ashamed.
6. The headmaster issued a stern and censorious reprimand to the misbehaving students.
7. The censorious judge handed down a harsh sentence.
8. My mother gave me a censorious look when I came home late.
9. His censorious comments only embarrassed the young man.
10. She responded with a censorious remark to his social faux pas.
11. The censorious teacher chastised the giggling students.
12. Her censorious glare made it clear she disapproved of my behavior.
13. The censorious neighbors were quick to criticize any perceived lapse in decorum.
14. His censorious and judgmental attitude only alienated his peers.
15. I ignored her censorious remarks, knowing she would eventually let the matter drop.
16. The censorious lecture only made me feel worse.
17. Her censorious glare made me feel ashamed and small.
18. The censorious woman embittered everyone around her with her constant negativity.
19. I brushed off his censorious remarks; I knew he was just trying to upset me.
20. The censorious professor made his students live in constant fear of harsh criticism.
21. The aunt's censorious sniff told the young girl her dress was unacceptable.
22. His censorious comments only revealed his own insecurities and need to criticize.
23. I ignored her censorious remarks, knowing they concealed her own self-doubt.
24. The censorious editor rewrote most of the young writer's naive prose.
25. Her censorious outburst only made things awkward between us.
26. Feeling ashamed under her censorious glare, I mumbled an apology.
27. The overbearing censoriousness of some parents only harms their children.
28. His censorious, judgmental attitude soon pushed away all his potential friends.
29. The meticulous censor examined the text with a censorious eye, looking for any impropriety.
30. The stern, censorious priest reproached the sinners from his pulpit.
31. Her censorious remarks made me feel judged and unwanted.
32. His censorious criticism only revealed his own insecurities.
33. The censorious tone of the review ruined my enjoyment of the book.
34. The censorious judge sentenced the young offender to probation.
35. His censorious glare put an end to our carefree laughter.
36. Her harsh and censorious comments made me doubt myself.
37. Many found his censorious nature off-putting.
38. The censorious teacher constantly criticized her students' efforts.
39. The humorless, censorious woman seemed to have no joy in her life.
40. His censorious, judgmental nature pushed away anyone who tried to befriend him.
41. The censorious critic wrote a scathing review of the film.
42. The censor's censorious eye cut many shocking passages from the controversial novel.
43. The censorious atmosphere at the school left students feeling unworthy.
44. Her censorious remarks made me feel inadequate and ashamed.
45. The censorious manager criticized every minor mistake.
46. His censorious attitude upset and alienated many of his coworkers.
47. The censorious comments of social media only served to discourage creativity.
48. The censorious lecturer put down every student contribution.
49. The censorious tone of her comments left me feeling judged and worthless.
50. The censorious atmosphere at home made me anxious and afraid to make any mistakes.
51. His censorious glare made me feel horrible about myself.
52. Her censorious remarks crushed my daughter's self-esteem.
53. The censorious tone of his remarks left me feeling downtrodden.
54. The censorious judge sentenced the young offender to jail time.
55. His censorious nature pushed away anyone who tried to connect with him.
56. The censorious woman enjoyed putting others down to make herself feel superior.
57. The censorious critic condemned every play he reviewed.
58. Feeling ashamed under the censorious glare of his parents, the teenager retreated to his room.
59. Her censorious, judgmental attitude soon alienated all of her friends.
60. The censor's censorious eye cut every obscenity from the controversial novel.