Census example sentences
Related (22): population, demographics, data, survey, enumeration, households, statistics, sampling, counting, citizen, residence, race, ethnicity, housing, age, gender, occupation, income, education, language, migration, citizenship.
"Census" Example Sentences
1. According to the 2010 census, the population was over 300,000.
2. Every 10 years, the U.S. government conducts a census to count the nation's population.
3. The census reported an increase in the number of citizens living below the poverty line.
4. During the last census, many people did not respond to the survey.
5. The census takers went door to door to gather information from residents.
6. The government uses census data to distribute funds and resources.
7. The 2020 census will be the 24th census conducted in the United States.
8. Census data helps determine how many seats each state has in the House of Representatives.
9. The census revealed an increase in racial and ethnic diversity in the city.
10. The census reported a decline in the birth rate compared to the previous decade.
11. Researchers analyze census data to identify population trends.
12. City planners use census data to determine where new public services and infrastructure are needed.
13. Advocates encourage participation in the census to ensure an accurate population count.
14. The constitution mandates that a census be conducted every 10 years.
15. The census provides a snapshot of the demographic makeup of the country.
16. Businesses use census data to determine where to locate new stores and facilities.
17. Census data can point to changing lifestyles and economic patterns.
18. Census takers face challenges in accurately counting hard-to-reach populations.
19. The first U.S. census was conducted in 1790 and counted 3.9 million people.
20. Officials use census data to determine how funding will be allocated.
21. Public health experts use census data to determine where resources are needed most.
22. The census reported that the township experienced rapid population growth in the last decade.
23. The census revealed changes in household sizes and living arrangements.
24. New questions were added to the 2020 census to gain more information on diversity.
25. Members of minority and immigrant groups are sometimes undercounted in the census.
26. Census projections help determine future infrastructure needs.
27. City councils rely on census data when making policy decisions.
28. The census provides an official count of the population that serves as the basis for policymaking.
29. Urban planners use census data to determine where to zone new residential and commercial areas.
30. The census reported that the county was one of the fastest growing in the state.
31. Insurance companies use census data to help determine risk and setting rates.
32. The census reported an aging population with a rising median age.
33. The decennial census determines the population totals used for apportionment.
34. The census provides essential information for research purposes.
35. The census helps determine how federal funding is allocated for programs.
36. Market researchers use census data to determine potential demand for new products and services.
37. The Office of Management and Budget is responsible for overseeing the census.
38. The census reported a rise in foreign-born residents in recent years.
39. The census revealed changes in racial identity and interracial marriage.
40. Nonprofit organizations rely on census data to better serve clients.
41. Social scientists analyze census data to determine social trends.
42. The census provides valuable socioeconomic indicators.
43. The census reported population shifts between urban and rural areas.
44. Population projections based on census data help determine future needs for schools, hospitals and public transit.
45. The census provides a count of the total population as well as details about demographic subgroups.
46. The census provides statistics used by educators, health officials and other policymakers.
47. The census helps determine where new schools, hospitals and government services are needed.
48. The census helps ensure fair political representation for all communities.
49. The Census Bureau is responsible for conducting the census every 10 years.
50. The census provides essential data for a wide range of government programs and services.
51. Employers use census data to determine where to locate new jobs.
52. Mortgage companies use census data to determine lending risks.
53. New businesses rely on census data to help determine potential markets.
54. The census reported declines in certain age groups due to lower birth rates and migration patterns.
55. Census projections are used as baseline data for statewide planning.
56. The census provides data used to allocate federal funds across state and local governments.
57. The census provides crucial data needed for effective governance and resource allocation.
58. The census revealed changes in marital status, income levels and educational attainment.
59. Urban planners use census data to determine where new roads, public transit and utilities are needed.
60. The information collected in the census helps improve government policies and programs.
Common Phases
1. According to the latest census, the population has grown by 10%.
2. The 2020 census results should be released next month.
3. They conducted a census of all the households on the block.
4. All residents have to complete census forms every ten years.
5. Participation in the census is required by law.
6. The census provides important data used for budgeting and planning.
7. The information collected in the census report is confidential.
8. Issues with the 2020 census could impact representation and funding.
9. An accurate census counts are important for allocating government resources.
10. They undercounted certain groups in the last national census.
11. The city used census data to allocate funds for new schools and hospitals.
12. The homeless population is often underrepresented in census counts.
13. The county examined census figures to determine infrastructure needs.
14. His team analyzed census data to identify at-risk neighborhoods.
15. The committee examined census figures to map out redistricting.
16. The state's population increase surpassed census projections.
17. The census helps identify demographic shifts in communities.
18. They conducted an informal student headcount as a makeshift census.
19. Local officials rely on accurate census data for planning purposes.
20. Groups advocating for representation push for full census participation.
21. The task force aims to improve census outreach to undercounted groups.
22. The census bureau launched a marketing campaign to increase responses.
23. Advocates fought for inclusion of certain questions in the next census.
24. The census determines how seats in Congress are apportioned to states.
25. Census takers go door to door to survey households that did not respond.
26. They argued that the census undercounted minority communities.
27. The census provides a snapshot of economic and social change.
28. Analysts use census data to predict future trends.
29. Activists organized to encourage participation in the 2020 census.
30. The mayor emphasized the importance of an accurate census count.
31. The decennial census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
32. Questions about citizenship status were removed from the 2020 census.
33. More rural areas tend to be underrepresented in census counts.
34. Census counts are used to determine elected representation at all levels.
35. Local leaders pushed for communities to self-respond to the census.
36. Many in the homeless population avoid census workers.
37. Businesses use census data to identify new markets.
38. The findings of the latest census were far below projections.
39. Our faculty conducted an informal census of students in the program.
40. The 2020 census will rely heavily on online responses.
41. The latest census results showed a sharp increase in racial diversity.
42. We examined census data to identify growth opportunities.
43. The federal government uses census counts to distribute funds to states.
44. Groups launched initiatives to ensure an accurate census count for their members.
45. There were discrepancies between official census figures and expert estimates.
46. The census provides a snapshot of social and economic characteristics.
47. Policymakers utilize census data to make informed decisions.
48. The census aims to count every person living in the U.S.
49. The census bureau is now revisiting undercounted areas.
50. Experts analyzed census projections to forecast future population trends.
51. Census figures revealed noteworthy demographic shifts in the region.
52. Their campaign urged residents to complete and submit census forms.
53. Population estimates often vary widely from final census results.
54. Groups mobilized to encourage hard-to-count populations to participate in the census.
55. The latest census data indicates a higher poverty rate than previously thought.
56. The board reviewed census figures to determine community needs.
57. Federal funding allocations are partially determined by census results.
58. The census tracks changes in household makeup over time.
59. Advocacy groups criticized flaws in the methodology of the last census.
60. Census takers went door-to-door to interview households in the rural town.