Ceremonious example sentences

Related (7): formal, ritualistic, elaborate, dignified, solemn, stately, punctilious

"Ceremonious" Example Sentences

1. The king emerged from the palace in a ceremonious manner.
2. The award ceremony was very ceremonious, with a procession and marching band.
3. The wedding was a very ceremonious affair, with all the typical rituals and formalities.
4. The coronation ceremony was extremely ceremonious, following all the ancient traditions.
5. The team entered the stadium in a ceremonious march.
6. The funeral was conducted in a very ceremonious way, reflecting the high esteem in which he was held.
7. The graduation ceremony was quite ceremonious, with speakers, processions, and cheers.
8. She walked down the aisle in a ceremonious march along with her bridesmaids.
9. After the election, the ceremonious inauguration of the new president took place.
10. The prince gave a ceremonious bow to the princess as she entered the ballroom.
11. The professor received an ceremonious letter informing him of his promotion.
12. The school held a ceremonious assembly to honor the retiring principal.
13. The armed forces held an ceremonious parade to mark Armed Forces Day.
14. He ceremoniously opened the time capsule that had been buried 50 years earlier.
15. The meeting began in ceremonious fashion, with everyone rising as the chairman entered the room.
16. She ceremoniously handed over the trophy to the winning team captain.
17. The ceremony was very ceremonious and formal, befitting of the high honor bestowed.
18. With ceremonious words, the orator dedicated the new building.
19. The mayor ceremoniously cut the ribbon to open the new community center.
20. The military lines formed ceremoniously as the general's carriage approached.
21. The senator ceremoniously shook hands with each supporter and well-wisher.
22. The olympic torch was ceremoniously lit to launch the games.
23. The ceremony began with a ceremonious fanfare played by the brass band.
24. The speaker ceremoniously thanked everyone for attending the event.
25. The religious service was conducted in a very ceremonious fashion.
26. The unveiling of the statue was done in an extremely ceremonious manner.
27. The religious procession marched ceremoniously through the town centre.
28. With ceremonious gestures, the conductor led the orchestra through the finale.
29. The judges ceremoniously entered the courtroom as all rose to their feet.
30. The champion ceremoniously kissed the trophy as the crowd cheered.
31. The ambassador ceremoniously presented his credentials to the head of state.
32. In ceremonious fashion, the guard marched into position and stood to attention.
33. The old professor ceremoniously lit his pipe before launching into his lecture.
34. The band played ceremoniously as the cavalry regiment entered the stadium.
35. The parties ceremoniously signed the peace agreement to signal an end to hostilities.
36. The president ceremoniously signed the bill into law as cameras flashed.
37. The knighting ceremony was conducted in the most ceremonious fashion.
38. The prayer was said in a ceremonious and respectful tone.
39. The cannon fired ceremoniously to mark the start of the race.
40. The national anthem was sung ceremoniously as the flag was raised.
41. The ships ceremoniously fired their cannons in salute as they passed each other.
42. The Queen ceremoniously opened Parliament with her speech from the throne.
43. With ceremonious greetings, the delegates arrived for the first day of the summit.
44. The opening ceremony began in ceremonious fashion with a performance of the school song.
45. The elders ceremoniously blessed the new home with sacred water and prayers.
46. The departing soldiers were ceremoniously given a hero's sendoff by the townspeople.
47. The changing of the guard was conducted in the most ceremonious manner.
48. The bishops robed themselves ceremoniously before leading the procession through the church.
49. The new students were ceremoniously welcomed to the school with chants and speeches.
50. Donning his ceremonial robes, the priest proceeded ceremoniously to the altar.
51. The defeated general ceremoniously surrendered his sword to the victorious commander.
52. As a ceremonious gesture of goodwill, gifts were exchanged between the two countries.
53. The national team ceremoniously paraded through the stadium before the start of the game.
54. In ceremonious tones, the Chancellor addressed the opening of the Bundestag.
55. The Queen ceremoniously knighted the recipients with a tap on each shoulder.
56. The Nobel Prize was ceremoniously awarded to the recipients at the banquet.
57. The handshake between the two leaders was a ceremonious gesture signaling the end of hostilities.
58. The ceremony began with the most ceremonious of rituals and pageantry.
59. The king ceremoniously blessed his subjects as he toured the kingdom.
60. The memorial service was conducted in the most ceremonious and respectful of manners.

Common Phases

1. In a ceremonious manner
2. In ceremonious fashion
3. Very ceremonious
4. Extremely ceremonious
5. Most ceremonious
6. Ceremoniously presented
7. Ceremoniously handed over
8. Ceremoniously signed
9. Ceremoniously thanked
10. Ceremoniously opened

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