Certificated example sentences
Related (12): licensed, accredited, authorized, endorsed, approved, attested, validated, confirmed, affirmed, sworn-in, warranted, certified
certificated (past tense) · certificated (past participle)
- provide with or attest in an official document:
"Certificated" Example Sentences
1. She is a certificated teacher with 10 years of experience.
2. You need to have a certificated teacher supervise the exam.
3. The school only hires fully certificated and qualified teachers.
4. He became a certificated engineer after completing the training program.
5. Only certificated mechanics can work on commercial aircraft engines.
6. He is a certificated public accountant with his own accounting firm.
7. The pilot was a certificated commercial airline pilot.
8. All electricians must be certificated by the state licensing board.
9. You must have a certificated medical exam before flying a commercial flight.
10. The doctor is fully certificated by the Royal College of Surgeons.
11. Only certificated surveyors can sign off on legal property boundaries.
12. Certificated pilots must adhere to strict safety regulations.
13. The lawyer is a certificated member of the state bar association.
14. Certificated lawyers can represent clients in legal proceedings.
15. She became a certificated Sommelier after passing the rigorous exam.
16. The yoga instructor had received her 200-hour certificated yoga training.
17. The registered nurse was also certificated in neonatal intensive care.
18. Veterinarians must be certificated by the state licensing board.
19. The financial advisor is an SEC certificated investment expert.
20. I want to hire a properly certificated electrician to rewire my house.
21. The flight instructor was a certificated pilot with decades of experience.
22. The dentist has a current state certificated license to practice.
23. The insurance agent is certificated to sell life and health policies.
24. Architects must be certificated by the state board of architecture.
25. Only certificated massage therapists can legally practice in this state.
26. Only certificated gemologists can accurately evaluate gemstone quality.
27. All hair stylists must be state certificated to operate legally.
28. The paramedic had recently received his state certificated license.
29. The barber had a current state certificated license to practice.
30. Web developers must have certificated training in security and privacy.
31. Only certificated lifeguards can supervise at the public swimming pool.
32. The nutritionist showed me her certificated credentials before starting our consultation.
33. Real estate agents must obtain a state certificated license to operate legally.
34. The car mechanic had certificated training in both gas and electric vehicles.
35. Certificated real estate agents must complete continuing education courses.
36. Only certificated scuba instructors can teach scuba diving courses.
37. Pharmacists in training must acquire certificated intern hours before becoming licensed.
38. He has a nationally certificated master electrician's license.
39. I want to hire only a professional certificated interior designer for the remodeling project.
40. The speech therapist is state certificated to work with children and young adults.
41. The life insurance agent had earned the highest certificated designation.
42. She is a fully certificated CPA with over 25 years' experience.
43. The web designer provided copies of his certificated certificates and training.
44. Only certificated contractors are eligible to bid on state funded projects.
45. The interpreter had earned certificated credentialing by the state board.
46. Certificated paralegals must meet continuing education requirements.
47. The masseuse provided copies of her state certificated license upon request.
48. I will not consider hiring an accountant who is not fully certificated.
49. Certificated tattoo artists must complete bloodborne pathogen training.
50. All land surveyors performing legal surveys must be state certificated.
51. The nutrition consultant showed me her certificated credentials before our consultation.
52. The guide had certificated training in wilderness safety and first aid.
53. The financial planner provided copies of her certificated credentials and licenses.
54. Certificated bicycle mechanics must complete continuing education courses.
55. Only certificated nursing assistants may work in assisted living facilities.
56. The occupational therapist had earned state certificated credentials.
57. Certificated nursing students must complete clinical hours under supervision.
58. Physical therapists must be licensed and fully certificated by the state.
59. She had earned a nationally certificated designation in grief counseling.
60. Only fully certificated teachers may lead classes for college credit.
Common Phases
1. The school only hires fully certificated and licensed teachers.
2. She graduated and received her certificated after completing the teacher training program.
3. The students received certificated for completing the health and safety course.
4. Upon finishing the program, I received my teaching certificated and am now a fully qualified teacher.
5. Only a certificated mechanic can perform that type of vehicle repair.
6. He studied for months to pass the state certificated test for electricians.
7. The cost of a certificated professional training course can be expensive.
8. The new instructor has a certificated in biology and chemistry.
9. You need to have a current certificated to operate that machinery.
10. She received a certificated of completion for finishing the advanced health care training.
11. Do you have a certificated of proficiency in that computer programming language?
12. The doctor has a certificated and license to practice medicine in this state.
13. Certificated programs provide proof of an individual's qualifications and competence.
14. The mechanical engineer has three certificated from the professional engineering association.
15. The nurses attended continuing education classes to maintain their professional certificated.
16. The plumber presented his certificated and licenses to the building inspector.
17. Are you a certificated public accountant?
18. He renewed his professional certificated to keep it up to date.
19. The certificated mechanical technician repaired the printer.
20. The certificated nurse administered the vaccinations to the children.
21. In order to teach at that university, you need a graduate-level certificated or degree.
22. She received a certificated for completing the training course.
23. Her new certificated allows her to teach younger students.
24.They each received a participation certificated for attending the seminar.
25. Does the electrician have the proper certificated and licenses for this job?
26. The lawyer obtained certificated for completing various legal training courses.
27. The builders presented their certificated showing they were properly licensed.
28. The professional trade organization issues certificated based on skills and competency testing.
29. The course instructors were all highly certificated and experienced professionals.
30. He had to show his certificated and identification before entering the secure site.
31. I received two certificated for completing the web design classes.
32. The trade school provides certificated training courses for various professions.
33. It was difficult to obtain the necessary certificated and licenses for her career in medicine.
34. The certificated paramedic administered first aid to the injured man.
35. Most jobs require workers to have the proper certificated and training.
36. They awarded 10 certificated of completion to the graduates.
37. The inspector demanded to see the plumber's certificated before doing any work at that site.
38. She has a bachelor's degree and multiple certificated in early childhood education.
39. Our state requires certificated training for all public school teachers.
40. Only a certificated welder can perform aircraft welding and repairs.
41. The security guard had to present his certificated and badge before entering the facility.
42. The accountant obtained several certificated to advance her career.
43. Teachers must keep their certificated up to date through continuing education courses.
44. The nurse showed her certificated and identification to the head nurse.
45. The pilot showed his certificated and logbooks to prove he was qualified.
46. The accountants all had active certificated showing they were qualified.
47. She received a certificated of completion for finishing the online training course.
48. Certificated and credentials are required before certain jobs and promotions.
49. The real estate agent had to obtain certificated before being licensed.
50. Continuing education courses help professionals maintain active certificated.
51. Only an electrician with the proper certificated can work on emergency power systems.
52. They accepted his certificated and credentials as proof of his competence.
53. The company only hires computer technicians with the proper certificated and experience.
54. He presented his pilot certificated and logbook for review by the examiner.
55. The lawyer graduated with honors and high certificated from law school.
56. The applicants were required to show certificated of completion for the prerequisite courses.
57. The new certificated will allow her to teach a wider age range of students.
58. The certificated technician repaired the air conditioning system.
59. Certificated programs ensure individuals have the knowledge to safely do their jobs.
60. The job listing required applicants to have specific certificated and years of experience.
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