Cesspitfrom example sentences

Related (4): sewer, latrine, toilet, porta-potty.

"Cesspitfrom" Example Sentences

1. The smell coming from the cesspit was overwhelming.
2. I don't understand why anyone would willingly jump into a cesspit.
3. The farmer had to clean out the cesspit every few months.
4. The bacteria found in a cesspit can be quite dangerous.
5. It's always a good idea to wear protective gear when working with cesspits.
6. The cesspit overflowed during the heavy rainstorm.
7. The cesspit pump broke down, causing a nasty backup.
8. The city had to close the park due to a leaking cesspit nearby.
9. The cesspit was dug deep into the ground to contain the waste.
10. The old house had a cesspit in the backyard that had not been used in years.
11. The smell of the cesspit was nauseating.
12. They found several dead animals in the cesspit.
13. The cesspit was so full that it had to be emptied immediately.
14. The neighbors complained about the stench from the cesspit.
15. The employee had to wear a hazmat suit while cleaning the cesspit.
16. The cesspit was lined with concrete to prevent leaks.
17. The cesspit was a breeding ground for all sorts of insects.
18. The cesspit was so large, it could hold several thousand gallons of waste.
19. The cesspit overflowed onto the neighboring property.
20. The property owner was fined for not properly maintaining their cesspit.
21. The cesspit was inspected and deemed unsafe for use.
22. The cesspit caused contamination of the nearby river.
23. The cesspit was filled with all sorts of debris.
24. The cesspit had to be drained before it could be cleaned.
25. The stench from the cesspit was so strong, it could be smelled from several blocks away.
26. The cesspit was cleaned out by a professional company.
27. The cesspit was located close to the well, causing concerns about the water supply.
28. The cesspit was covered with a heavy lid to prevent animals from falling in.
29. The cesspit was located in a remote area for safety reasons.
30. The cesspit was dug by hand before the advent of modern machinery.
31. The property owner had no idea where the cesspit was located on their property.
32. The cesspit was emptied into a tank truck for transport to a waste treatment facility.
33. The cesspit was a constant source of worry for the homeowners in the area.
34. The smell from the cesspit was so bad, it made people sick.
35. The cesspit was located in a low-lying area, making it susceptible to flooding.
36. The cesspit was contaminated with hazardous materials.
37. The property owner was shocked to find out they had a cesspit on their property.
38. The cesspit was filled in and covered over to prevent future problems.
39. The cesspit was located too close to the house, creating health concerns.
40. The smell of the cesspit was so bad, it drove away potential buyers of the property.

Common Phases

1. The odor emanating from that cesspit was unbearable;
2. The cesspit at the back of the house is overflowing;
3. Cleaning out the cesspit is a dirty job;
4. The cesspit overflowed during heavy rain;
5. The cesspit was filled with sludge and waste;
6. The cesspit was infested with rodents and insects;
7. The cesspit was a health hazard and needed immediate attention;
8. The cesspit was located in an inconvenient spot.

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