Chancellorship example sentences

Related (13): office, term, duties, responsibilities, election, inauguration, resignation, succession, qualifications, powers, policies, reforms, legacies.

"Chancellorship" Example Sentences

1. The chancellorship of the university is a highly respected position.
2. The new chancellorship has been met with mixed reactions from the faculty.
3. She has been campaigning for the chancellorship for years.
4. The chancellorship requires a great deal of leadership and management skills.
5. The previous chancellorship was known for its focus on research and innovation.
6. The candidates for the chancellorship will be interviewed by the board.
7. The chancellorship was up for grabs after the retirement of the previous chancellor.
8. The chancellorship is a position of great responsibility within the education system.
9. The new chancellorship promises to bring sweeping changes to the university.
10. The chancellorship comes with a substantial salary and benefits package.
11. He has announced his plans to run for the chancellorship of the university.
12. The current chancellorship is coming to an end at the conclusion of the academic year.
13. She was appointed to the chancellorship after a rigorous selection process.
14. The chancellorship carries with it a high degree of public scrutiny and accountability.
15. The chancellorship has traditionally been held by men, but that is starting to change.
16. The board of trustees will ultimately decide who is appointed to the chancellorship.
17. The search for a new chancellorship has been underway for several months.
18. The chancellorship is the highest-ranking position at the university.
19. The chancellorship requires someone with a keen understanding of higher education policy.
20. The chancellorship is one of the most prestigious positions within academia.
21. The chancellorship provides an opportunity to make a positive impact on the future of education.
22. He has an impressive resume and is seen as a strong contender for the chancellorship.
23. The chancellorship requires someone with a vision for the future of the university.
24. Over the years, the chancellorship has become a highly politicized position.
25. The candidates for the chancellorship have been narrowed down to three finalists.
26. The new chancellorship will be responsible for overseeing many different departments within the university.
27. The chancellorship is a demanding position that requires a lot of hard work and dedication.
28. The previous chancellorship was known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion.
29. The chancellorship comes with a considerable amount of prestige and influence.
30. She has already accomplished a great deal in her current role and is seen as a top candidate for the chancellorship.

Common Phases

1. During his chancellorship, the country experienced significant economic growth; however, there were also major political controversies.
2. Throughout her chancellorship, she consistently advocated for social justice and human rights; as a result, she became widely respected both nationally and internationally.
3. The chancellorship was a period of great transformation in the university system, with major reforms in curriculum, funding, and governance.
4. Despite facing numerous challenges during his chancellorship, he managed to maintain a high level of public support throughout his tenure.
5. The events of the recent scandal cast a dark shadow over the Chancellorship, prompting calls for a complete overhaul of the system.

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