Chaplaincy example sentences

Related (1): ministry

"Chaplaincy" Example Sentences

1. I am considering a career in chaplaincy to provide spiritual guidance to those in need.
2. The hospital hired a new chaplaincy team to assist patients and their families during difficult times.
3. The military chaplaincy has a long history of supporting service members of all faiths.
4. The prison chaplaincy program is designed to help inmates find hope and direction for their lives.
5. Our university offers a chaplaincy service for students who need support with personal or spiritual issues.
6. John decided to pursue chaplaincy training after feeling a calling to help others in a meaningful way.
7. The chaplaincy program at the fire department provides emotional and spiritual support to first responders.
8. The chaplaincy staff at the hospice center offers comfort and care to patients and their families at the end of life.
9. The chaplaincy service at the airport offers a quiet space for travelers to meditate or pray before or after their flights.
10. A chaplaincy internship can be a great way to gain experience in counseling, pastoral care, and working with diverse populations.
11. The chaplaincy team at the nursing home offers religious services for residents who wish to practice their faith.
12. The chaplaincy department at the university hospital is staffed by chaplains from various religious traditions.
13. The chaplaincy program for the military also provides support for families and loved ones of service members.
14. The chaplaincy service for the police department offers confidential counseling and support for officers and their families during difficult times.
15. The chaplaincy program at the high school helps students navigate personal and academic challenges and provides a safe space for spiritual exploration.
16. The chaplaincy team at the mental health clinic helps patients connect with their faith traditions and provides emotional support during therapy sessions.
17. The university's interfaith chaplaincy council brings together chaplains of different religions to promote understanding and dialogue.
18. The chaplaincy program at the addiction recovery center encourages spiritual growth and personal reflection as part of the journey to sobriety.
19. The chaplaincy service at the courthouse offers non-denominational support for jurors, witnesses, and court staff.
20. The chaplaincy team at the disaster relief center provides hope and comfort to those affected by natural disasters or other crises.
21. The chaplaincy department at the rehabilitation center offers support services for patients recovering from surgery or illness.
22. The chaplaincy program at the college seeks to create a welcoming environment for students of diverse faiths and spiritual backgrounds.
23. The prison chaplaincy team offers religious education classes, bible study groups, and counseling services to inmates.
24. The chaplaincy service at the funeral home provides comfort and support to grieving families during the funeral planning process.
25. The chaplaincy department at the mental health hospital helps patients address spiritual concerns in addition to mental health issues.
26. The university's chaplaincy program includes volunteer opportunities for students to engage in service projects and community outreach.
27. The chaplaincy team at the veterans' hospital helps veterans cope with the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of recovery and rehabilitation.
28. The chaplaincy program for the police department includes training on cultural competency and diversity awareness to better serve the community.
29. The airport chaplaincy service assists travelers of all faiths or beliefs with spiritual or emotional concerns during their airport experience.
30. The chaplaincy department at the cancer center provides compassionate care and support to patients and their families as they face illness and treatment.

Common Phases

not include examples or explanations.
- Chaplaincy services are available at the hospital;
- She decided to pursue a career in chaplaincy;
- The chaplaincy program provides spiritual support to inmates;
- The chaplaincy team visited the families of the fallen soldiers;
- The university offers a chaplaincy program for students;
- The chaplaincy department oversees religious activities and events;
- The chaplaincy office is located on the main floor of the building;
- The chaplaincy staff consists of ordained ministers and laypeople;
- The chaplaincy program is open to people of all faiths and beliefs;
- During times of crisis, the chaplaincy team offers emotional and spiritual support.

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