Chasten example sentences

Related (9): reprimand, discipline, correct, punish, restrain, humble, subdue, temper, modify



chasten (verb) · chastens (third person present) · chastened (past tense) · chastened (past participle) · chastening (present participle)

  - (of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on:

  - (especially of God) discipline; punish.


subdue, humble, cow, squash, deflate, flatten, humiliate, mortify, restrain, tame, curb, check, Legal

"Chasten" Example Sentences

1. The harsh critics chastened his foolish ambitions.
2. The defeat humbled and chastened him.
3. The stern lecture chastened the misbehaving students.
4. Her words chastened his boastful attitude.
5. The punishment chastened the children's behavior.
6. The tough experience chastened him and made him wiser.
7. His failures chastened his immoderate self-confidence.
8. The grim realities of life chastened his youthful illusions.
9. The hard facts chastened his lofty dreams and ideals.
10. His conscience chastened him for his wrongdoing.
11. The wise words of the elder chastened the young man's arrogance.
12. His error chastened him and taught him a valuable lesson.
13. His conscience chastened him for deceiving his parents.
14. Her stern upbringing chastened her frivolous nature.
15. The admonition chastened his rowdy behavior.
16. The stinging rebuke chastened his boastful claims.
17. Her strict moral standards chastened his appetite for excess.
18. The firm discipline chastened the boy's wayward behavior.
19. The challenges and setbacks chastened his unrealistic goals.
20. The man's conscience chastened him for mistreating his wife.
21. His loss chastened him and taught him to be more prudent.
22. The bitter experience chastened his naive view of the world.
23. The severe training chastened the soldier's unruly temperament.
24. The stern teacher chastened the children for their misbehavior.
25. Harsh realities chastened his romantic illusions.
26. The reprimand chastened the unruly child.
27. The cold facts chastened his warm imagination.
28. The failure chastened his overconfidence.
29. The harsh words chastened the boastful braggart.
30. The tragedy chastened her frivolous outlook on life.
31. Her disappointment chastened her ambitious dreams.
32. Life's hard lessons chastened his youthful arrogance.
33. The disappointment chastened his immoderate expectations.
34. The wise woman's words chastened the brash young man.
35. The bitterness of experience chastened his enthusiasm.
36. Her stern upbringing chastened the girl's impertinent manners.
37. The strict sermon chastened the congregation's sinful behavior.
38. The doctor's grave prognosis chastened the man's lust for life.
39. The mother's scolding chastened the misbehaving child.
40. The ugly truth chastened his utopian visions.
41. The scolding chastened the foolish boasting.
42. The tragic loss chastened her petty grievances.
43. His suffering chastened him and made him more compassionate.
44. The bitter experience chastened him and sobered his outlook.
45. The moral indictment chastened his shameful behavior.
46. Her hard life chastened her extravagant tastes and expensive habits.
47. The profound disappointment chastened her youthful optimism.
48. Her conscience chastened her for being unkind.
49. The stern reprimand chastened him for his careless words.
50. The harsh realities of life chastened his romantic imagination.
51. The bitter disappointment chastened her high expectations.
52. His experiences chastened his immoderate ambitions.
53. Her losses chastened her fickle nature.
54. The moralist's words chastened the thoughtless man.
55. The straight facts chastened his circle of fanciful beliefs.
56. The hard truth chastened his self-deception.
57. The tragic incident chastened society's frivolous ways.
58. The cold truth chastened his vain conceits.
59. The severe punishment chastened the offender.
60. The man's conscience chastened him for his dishonest actions.

Common Phases

1. Chastened by failure
2. Chastened by experience
3. Chastened by hardship
4. Chastened by loss
5. Chastened by disappointment
6. Chastened by suffering
7. Chastened by adversity
8. Chastened by reality
9. Chastened by the harsh truth
10. Chastened by life's hard lessons

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