Chastenedness example sentences

Related (6): humility, remorse, contrition, penitence, repentance, regret

"Chastenedness" Example Sentences

1. His chastenedness had a calming effect on the rowdy crowd.
2. The coach's chastenedness was evident in his post-game speech.
3. She accepted her punishment with chastenedness and remorse.
4. His chastenedness was a direct result of his recent failures.
5. The student's chastenedness showed that he had learned from his mistakes.
6. Her chastenedness was refreshing after years of arrogance.
7. The employee showed his chastenedness by taking responsibility for his mistakes.
8. His chastenedness was the key to his success in rehabilitating himself.
9. She approached the situation with a sense of chastenedness, knowing she had made a mistake.
10. The politician's chastenedness was a welcome change from his usual arrogance.
11. His chastenedness came through in his willingness to apologize openly.
12. The team's chastenedness after their loss was evident in their renewed commitment to training.
13. She embraced her chastenedness and used it as a motivator to improve.
14. The CEO's chastenedness was evident in his new approach to employee relations.
15. His chastenedness led him to seek out advice from more experienced colleagues.
16. The company's financial troubles had forced a sense of chastenedness on the management team.
17. The candidate's chastenedness resonated with voters tired of political showmanship.
18. The athlete's chastenedness drove him to train harder than ever before.
19. Her chastenedness was apparent in her renewed dedication to her studies.
20. The team's chastenedness sparked a new sense of unity among the players.
21. His chastenedness was evident in the way he interacted with his peers after his mistake.
22. The owner's chastenedness was a turning point in the company's culture.
23. Her chastenedness showed that she was capable of learning from her experiences.
24. His chastenedness led him to take a step back and reevaluate his approach.
25. The team's chastenedness helped them come back from a disastrous first half.
26. She embraced her chastenedness and used it to fuel her determination to succeed.
27. His chastenedness was a testament to his resilience in the face of failure.
28. The athlete's chastenedness was admirable in a culture that often glorifies arrogance.
29. The team's chastenedness was a sign that they had learned from their previous mistakes.
30. Her chastenedness was evident in the way she took responsibility for her actions.
31. His chastenedness was a refreshing change from his earlier cockiness.
32. The company's chastenedness was necessary to rebuild trust with investors.
33. The politician's chastenedness was a welcome change in an era of divisive politics.
34. His chastenedness was a sign of his maturity and emotional intelligence.
35. She displayed her chastenedness by admitting her mistakes to her colleagues.
36. The team's chastenedness helped them come together and work towards a common goal.
37. His chastenedness was a result of his newfound humility.
38. The CEO's chastenedness was a sign of her commitment to ethical leadership.
39. Her chastenedness was a reminder that even successful people make mistakes.
40. His chastenedness inspired others to approach their work with equal humility.

Common Phases

1. After the scolding from his boss, he retreated to his desk with a feeling of chastenedness;
2. The students sat in silence, their previous excitement replaced by chastenedness;
3. Her mistake cost the company a large sum of money, leading to a sense of chastenedness for her actions;
4. The team lost the championship game, leaving a sense of chastenedness over their performance;
5. He apologized sincerely, his chastenedness evident in his words.

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