Chirpings example sentences

Related (20): birds, twitterings, cheepings, peepings, warblings, trillings, calls, songs, twitters, cackles, clucks, hoots, squawks, tweets, coos, cries, yelps, squeaks, honks, whistles

"Chirpings" Example Sentences

1. The morning sun shone bright, and the chirpings of the birds could be heard from afar.
2. As she walked through the forest, the chirpings of crickets and grasshoppers surrounded her.
3. The chirpings of the tiny bird nestled in the tree were a welcoming sound on the quiet countryside.
4. The night was quiet, save for the occasional chirpings of a lonely cricket.
5. The room was filled with the chirpings of little birds, who were perched on their cages and tweeting with glee.
6. The chirpings of the chickadees outside her window gently woke her up from her slumber.
7. The chirpings of the birds in the park were a soothing sound, making it a perfect place to relax.
8. The silence of the night was broken by the chirpings of the crickets.
9. The chirpings of the birds outside her window were a cheerful sound as she started her day.
10. The chirpings of the cicadas filled the air, indicating the arrival of summer.
11. The chirpings of the sparrows were drowned out by the sound of traffic, making it hard to hear them properly.
12. The garden was alive with the chirpings of various birds, making it a wonderful place to spend an afternoon.
13. The chirpings of the robins signaled the arrival of spring, a season everyone looked forward to.
14. The loud chirpings of the parakeet would often startle visitors when they entered the room.
15. The chirpings of the crickets were louder than ever before, making it hard to have a conversation outside.
16. The sound of the waterfall was accompanied by the chirpings of the birds nearby creating a perfect natural symphony.
17. The chirpings of the finches were a happy sound, bringing a sense of calmness to the hectic day.
18. The chirpings of the chickadees in the trees were like music to her ears.
19. The chirpings of the sparrows were so loud that they could be heard from a distance.
20. The chirpings of the birds were a constant source of joy to those who lived near a forest.
21. The silence of the classroom was broken by the sudden chirpings of a cricket.
22. The chirpings of the canaries could be heard all over the house, especially in the morning.
23. The sound of chirpings coming from the birdhouse would make her smile every time.
24. The chirpings of the nightingales in the garden were so powerful that they could be heard for miles.
25. The chirpings of the jaybirds could be distinguished from the other birds due to their unique sound.
26. The chirpings of the wrens were a comforting sound when she was alone at home.
27. The chirpings of the blue jays were a beautiful sound, making her feel at peace with nature.
28. The chirpings of the swallows could be heard as they flew low over the lake, gathering flies for their young ones.
29. The chirpings of the magpies were a unique sound that could only be heard in certain parts of the world.
30. The chirpings of the house sparrows were so cheerful that they made even the gloomiest of days brighter.

Common Phases

1. The birds outside my window were chirping away; their melodic songs filling the air.
2. As I walked through the forest, I was completely surrounded by the peaceful chirpings of birds.
3. The early morning chirpings of the birds were a welcome sound, signaling the start of a new day.
4. I love hearing the cheerful chirpings of the birds outside my office window; it brings a sense of calmness to my hectic day.
5. The chirping of the birds in the park was the only sound I could hear, making me feel at ease and relaxed.
6. The chirpings of the birds remind me of the simple pleasures in life; their songs are a beautiful reminder to slow down and enjoy the present moment.
7. The chirpings of the birds before dawn are a reminder that even in darkness, there is always hope and light to be found.
8. I closed my eyes and let the soothing chirpings of the birds lull me into a peaceful state of relaxation.

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