Chowderheads example sentences

Related (10): ignoramus, simpleton, idiot, fool, blockhead, imbecile, dunce, nitwit, dolt, moron

"Chowderheads" Example Sentences

1. The chowderheads at my office always forget to refill the coffee pot.
2. I can't stand being around chowderheads who don't think before they speak.
3. Those chowderheads on the city council are in way over their heads.
4. I'm not sure who hired those chowderheads, but they're definitely not qualified.
5. The chowderheads in charge of the budget are cutting funding for essential programs.
6. If those chowderheads can't handle simple tasks, how can we expect them to manage a crisis?
7. The chowderheads in my neighborhood are always leaving their trash cans out for days.
8. I don't know what those chowderheads were thinking when they decided to paint the house pink.
9. Those chowderheads in customer service have no idea how to resolve a complaint.
10. I'm starting to think that the chowderheads in my class are intentionally making life difficult for me.
11. Those chowderheads on the debate team couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag.
12. I don't understand why my boss insists on hiring chowderheads with no experience.
13. The chowderheads on the city council are so out of touch with the needs of their constituents.
14. I can't believe those chowderheads thought it was a good idea to wear matching outfits to the party.
15. The chowderheads running the restaurant keep forgetting to put silverware on the tables.
16. Those chowderheads who designed this website clearly have no sense of user experience.
17. The chowderheads in the audience kept talking during the movie, ruining the experience for everyone else.
18. I don't know how those chowderheads managed to get lost in such a small town.
19. The chowderheads at the gym never wipe down the equipment when they're finished.
20. I dread going to family gatherings because there are always a few chowderheads who ruin the mood.
21. Those chowderheads who write spam emails clearly don't understand how to communicate effectively.
22. The chowderheads in my neighborhood are always revving their engines in the middle of the night.
23. I don't know why those chowderheads thought a water balloon fight in the office was a good idea.
24. The chowderheads on the planning committee forgot to reserve enough tables for the event.
25. Those chowderheads who run the news outlets seem to love stirring up controversy for ratings.
26. I can't believe those chowderheads who park in disabled spots when they don't need them.
27. The chowderheads running the company clearly have no clue what their employees are dealing with on a daily basis.
28. I don't understand why those chowderheads always order from the expensive restaurant when we have perfectly good options on this street.
29. The chowderheads who created this traffic jam clearly didn't think about the flow of vehicles through this section of the city.
30. I can't believe how many chowderheads still fell for that old email scam.

Common Phases

1. Those chowderheads never listen to me; they always make the same mistakes.
2. I can't believe those chowderheads forgot the important paperwork again; we're going to be in trouble.
3. The chowderheads in charge of this project are completely clueless; nothing is going according to plan.
4. Don't bother asking those chowderheads for help; they'll just make things worse.
5. Those chowderheads are always causing problems; I'm surprised they still have jobs here.
6. The chowderheads in accounting can't seem to add two numbers together; it's a wonder the books aren't completely messed up.
7. The chowderheads in charge of customer service are so rude; I'm surprised anyone still does business with us.
8. I'm convinced the chowderheads in IT have never seen a computer before; they can barely troubleshoot basic issues.
9. Those chowderheads in HR are useless; good luck getting any support from them.
10. The chowderheads responsible for ordering supplies never get it right; we always end up missing something important.

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